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skeletal terms

terms 2

cranioschisis fissure of the skull crani/o/schisis
diskitis inflammation of an intervertebral disk disk/itis
fibromyalgia pain in the fibrous tissues and muscles fibro/o/my/algia
kyphosis abnormal condition of a hump kyph/osis
lordosis abnormal condition of bending forward lord/osis
osteo oste bone
osteochondritis inflammation of the bone and cartilage oste/o/chondr/it is
osteofibroma tumor of the bone and fibrous tissue oste/o/fibr/oma
osteopenia abnormal reduction of bone mass oste/o/penia
osteopetrosis abnormal condition of stone like bone oste/o/petrosis
osteosaroma malignant tumor of the bone oste/o/sarcoma
polymyositis inflammation of many muscles poly/myos/it is
rachischisis fissure of the vertebral column rachi/shisis
rhabdomyolysis dissolution of striated muscle rhabd/o/my/o/lysis
spondylarthritis inflammation of the vertebral column spondyl/arthr/itis
synoviosarcoma malignant tumor of the synovial membrane synovi/o/sarcoma
tenosynovitis inflammation of the tendon and synovial membrane ten/o/synov/itis
ankylosing spondylitis form of arthiritis that first affects the spine and adjacent structures and that causes a forward bend of the spine
bunion abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
carpal tunnel syndrome a common nerve entrapment disorder of the wrist caused by compression of the median nerve
colles fracture a type of wrist fracture that's at the lower end of the radius
exostosis abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone
gout disease caused by an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood. which causes sodium ureate crystals to be deposited in the joints and produces arthritis
herniated disk rupture of the intervertebral disk cartilage which allows the contents to protrude throughout putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots
muscular dystrophy (MD) group of hereditary diseases characterized by degeneration of muscle and weakness
myasthenia gravis (MG) chronic disease caused by muscle weakness and thought to be caused by a defect in the transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle cell
osteoporosis abnormal loss of bone density occurring predominantly in postmenopausal women, which can lead to an increase in fractures of ribs , thoracic and lumbar, vertebrae, hips and wrists
rheumatoid arthritis (RH) a chronic systemic disease characterized by autoimmune inflammatory changes in connective tissue throughout the body
spinal stenosis narrowing of the spinal canel with compression of nerve roots
spondylolitsthesis forward slipping of one vertebra over another
arthralgia pain in the joint arth/algia
arthrography radiographic imaging of a joint arthr/o/graphy
arthroscopy visual exam of a joint arthr/o/scopy
atropy without development a/tropy
bradykinesia slow movement brady/kinesi/a
carpal pertaining to the wrist carp/al
dyskinesia difficult movement dys/kinesi/a
dystrophy abnormal development dys/trophy
hyperkinesia excessive movement hyper/kinesi/a
hypertrophy excessive movement hyper/trophy
iliofemoral pertaining to the ilium and femur ilio/femor/al
ischiofibular pertaining to the ischium and fibula ischi/o/fibul/ar
osteoblast developing bone cell oste/o/blast
osteonecrosis abnormal death of bone oste/o/necrosis
Created by: pcontreras
Popular Medical sets




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