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Ch 23 P1-P3

Ch 23 P1

Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan Thomas Edison: an american, the Inventor of the light bulb Joseph Swan: Briton responsible for house lighting
Alexander Graham Bell -Inventor of the telephone -revolutionized communication
Guglielmo Marconi -Sent Radio waves across the Atlantic -helped revolutionize communication
internal combustion engine -Engine type that would be used in cars and planes -Modified by Gottlieb Daimler for use in cars
Gottlieb Daimler -Inventor of a light engine -allowed for the invention of cars
Henry Ford -American Revolutionary of the car industry -mass produced his Model T
Wilbur and Orville Wright -Brothers who flew in a plane -First flight in a fixed wing plane with a gasoline engine.
cartels -a collection of businesses working together to regulate their prices -decreased competition of capitalism
the assembly line -Allowed for quicker and easier production -Worked along with interchangeable parts
Second Industrial Revolution -Revolution bringing light bulbs, cars, telephones, etc. -increased ease of production with assembly line and interchangeable parts -economic improvement
Sweatshops and "sweating" -Cheap wage jobs with easy textile work -Often with women working from home
white-collar jobs -Often routine jobs with a bit of professionalism (receptionist, clerks, teachers, nurses) -Occupied by women seeking escape from lower class jobs
Contagious Diseases Acts -act allowing for checking prostitutes for venereal disseases -did not check males involved, which lead to female reformers getting the act repealed
Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel -Marxist leaders of the German Social Democratic Party -Group could not be stopped by the government
Social Democratic Party -German Marxist group seeking better working class conditions. -had coordinated actions such as strikes
Jean Jaures -The French leader of marx socialism -Justified revolutionary socialism w/ past French revs
May Day -A day that unions agreed to go on strike -happened internationally and was driven by nationalism and reviosionism
Marxist "revisionism" (aka evolutionary socialism) -Took a Capitalist approach to Socialism -believed that the growing middle class of capitalism could fight for working conditions and goals of Socialism
Eduard Bernstien -Main proponent of Revisionism -Wrote "Evolutionary Socialism" -Said that Capitalism was the best way to achieve the goals of socialism.
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