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Medical Terminology


Suffix -Definition
-able capable
-ac pertaining to
-act to act
-ad pertaining to
-age related to
-al pertaining to
-algesia condition of pain
-algia pain, ache
-ant forming
-apheresis removal, remove
-ar, -ary pertaining to
-arche beginning
-ase enzyme
-asthenia weakness
-ate, -ate(d) use, action, having the form of, possessing
-betes to go
-blast immature cell, germ cell, embryonic cell
-body body
-cele hernia, tumor, swelling
-centesis surgical, puncture
-ceps head
-cide to kill
-clasia a breaking
-clasis crushing, breaking up
-clysis injection
-cope strike
-crit to separate
-culture cultivation
-cusis hearing
-cuspid point
-cyesis pregnancy
-cyst bladder, sac
-cyte cell
-derma skin
-dermis skin
-desis binding
-dipsia thirst
-drome course
-dynia pain, ache
-eal pertaining to
-ectasia dilatation
-ectasis dilatation, dilation, stretching, expansion
-ectasy dilation
-ectomy surgical, excision, surgical removal, resection
-edema swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
-er relating to, one who
-ergy work
-esis condition
-esthesia feeling
-form shape
-fuge to flee
-gen formation, produce
-genes produce
-genesis formation, produce
-genic formation, produce
-glia glue
-globin protein
-gnosis knowledge
-grade step
-graft pencil, grafting knife
-gram weight, mark, record
-graph to write, record, instrument for recording
-graphy recording
-hexia condition
-ia condition
-iasis condition
-iatrics treatment
-iatry treatment
-ic pertaining to
-ician specialist, physician
-icle small, minute
-ide having a particular quality
-ile pertaining to
-in substance
-ine pertaining to, substance
-ing quality of
-ion process
-ior pertaining to
-is pertaining to
-ism condition
-ist one who specializes, agent
-itis inflammation
-ity condition
-ive nature of, quality of
-ize to make, to treat or combine with
-kinesia motion, movement
-kinesis motion, movement
-lalia to talk
-lemma sheath, rind
-lepsy seizure
-lexia diction, word, phrase
-liter liter
-lith stone
-logy study of
-lymph clear fluid, serum, pale fluid
-lysis destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening, dissolution
-malacia softening
-mania madness
-megaly enlargement, large
-meter instrument to measure
-metry measurement
-mnesia memory
-morph form, shape
-noia mind
-oid resemble, like, similar
-ole opening, small
-oma tumor, mass, fluid collection
-omion shoulder
-on pertaining to
-one hormone
-opia sight, vision
-opsia sight, vision
-opsy to view
-or one who, doer
-orexia appetite
-ose pertaining to
-osis condition
-ous pertaining to
-oxia oxygen
-paresis weakness
-pathy disease, emotion
-penia lack of deficiency, abnormal reduction
-pepsia to digest, digestion
-pexy surgical fixation
-phagia to eat, to swallow
-phasia to speak, speech
-phil attraction
-philia attraction
-phobia fear
-phoresis to carry
-phragm fence
-phraxis to obstruct
-phylaxis protection
-physis growth
-plakia plaque
-plasia formation, produce
-plasm thing formed, plasma
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia stroke, paralysis, palsy
-pnea breathing
-poiesis formation
-praxia action
-ptosis prolapse, drooping, sagging, falling down
-ptysis to spit, spitting
-rrhage to burst forth, bursting forth
-rrhagia to burst forth, bursting forth
-rrhaphy suture
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-scope instrument for examining
-scopy to view, examine, visual examination
-sepsis decay
-sis state of, condition
-some body
-sound sound
-spasm tension, spasm, contraction
-stalsis contraction
-stasis control, stop, stand still
-staxis dripping, trickling
-sthenia strength
-stomy new opening
-systole contraction
-taxia order, coordination
-therapy treatment
-thermy heat
-tic pertaining to
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy incision
-tone tension
-tripsy crushing
-troph(y) nourishment, development
-trophy nourishment, development
-type type
-um tissue, structure
-ure urination, condition of urine
-us pertaining to, structure
-y condition, process, pertaining to
Created by: Tinkerbell808
Popular Medical sets




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