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Medterms test 3

Sanford-Brown Medical Terminology Test #3

-Lysis Breakdown, separation
-Stenosis abnormal narrowing
-scopy to see, visual examination
poly- many
-uria urination, urine
-tripsy to crush
Py/o pus
Pyr/o fever/fire
arter/o artery
angi/o pertaining to blood vessels
aort/o aorta
brady- slow
-emia blood, blood condition
-ic pertaining to
peri- surrounding, around
-desis surgical fixation of bone or joint, to bind, tie together
-scope instrument for visual examination
-otomy surgical incision
anti- against, counter
-rrhagia bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge
hyper- excessive, increased
-osis abnormal condition
hypo- deficient, decreased
-necrosis tissue death
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
per- excessive, through
dys- bad, difficult
sub- below
post- after
-pause stopping
tachy- fast, rapid
-esthesia sensation, feeling
-ologist specialist
-algia pain, suffering
-oma tumor
-gram, -graph a picture or record
-itis inflammation
pre- before
Super- above, excessive
inter- between, among
intra- within, inside
-plegia paralysis
-ptosis proplapse, drooping forward
-ectomy surgical removal
ante- before, toward
-ac, -al pertaining to , relating to
-megaly enlargment
-plasty surgical repair
-ology the science or study of
hemi- half
-cyte cell
-pnea breathing
-ary pertaining to
-ia state or condition
card/ocardi/o heart
hem/ohemat/o blood, pertaining to the blood
-rrhexis rupture
-rrhea abnormal flow or discharge
neo- new strange
-rrhaphy to suture
ather/o plaque, fatty substance
derm/odermat/o skin
path/o disease, suffering
phlebo/o vein
a-, an- away from, without
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-malacia abnormal softening
-pathy disease, suffering, feeling, emotion
-ostomy surgical creation of an opening
-cele hernia, tumor, swelling
-pexy surgical fixation, to put in place
end-, endo- within, in , inside
-ectasis stretching, enlargement
-graphy the process of recording a picture or record
remission temporary or complete dissapearance of the symptoms of a disease (bye disease!)
symptom subjective evidence of a disease (ex. pain or headache)
chronic condition of long duration (rarely cured)
acute condition has rapid onset(comes all of a sudden), severe course (very serious), short duration(doesn't last long)
prognosis prediction of probable course of a disorder (what's going to happen with the disease), will it get worse? better?
diagnosis identification of a disease
syndrome set of signs and symptoms that occur together
sign objective(something we all can see) evidence of a disease
eponym disease, structure,operation etc. who is named after the person who discovered it or described it
disease condition in which oneor more body parts is not functioning normally
differential diagnosis known as a "rule out" This means they rule out other diseases based on symptoms
Poli/o gray
ad toward, in the direction of
erythr/o red
cyan blue
stenosis abnormal narrowing
eu good, normal, well, easy
leuk white
melan black
oste/o bone
arthr/o joint
neur/o nerve
my/o muscle
myel/o bone marrow/ spinal cord
Created by: Dzenisa
Popular Medical sets




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