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The Labor Movement

Gateway to US History Chapter 5 The Labor Movement

impersonal conditions these are conditions in the workplace where the boss and the worker do know have a "close relationship"
long hours these are the conditions where workers work unusually long days and long weeks (6 to 7 days a week)
boring, repetitive tasks in the workplace, this is where the worker is faced with doing the same job over and over again to boost productivity
low wages this is where a worker is paid little to no money for their work
dangerous conditions improper clothing, unsafe machinery and little training led to accidents where workers were injured or killed
child labor this is where under age children were used as unskilled labor to perform dangerous tasks for little or no pay.
periodic unemployment if you are fired from a job, or injured on the job, there is no workers compensation or unemployment compensation to assist the worker
lack of opportunity for advancement this is where workers are stuck doing a job with no chance of "moving up" to a better position with better pay
unpleasant living conditions after work, workers would return to their home located in towns neighboring the factors of which they work. These towns were extremely dirty and overpriced.
labor unions groups of workers who banned together to lobby for better pay, working conditions and treatment.
strike walking off the job, refusing to work and protesting by unhappy workers.
Samuel Gompers a Jewish cigar worker who started the American Federation of Labor
Terrence Powederly he founded the "Knights of Labor" to help unskilled workers in their struggle against their employers.
Knights of Labor A labor organization created in 1869 by Terrence Powederly to assist unskilled workers
American Federation of Labor or AFL A labor organization created in 1881 by Samuel Gompers to assist craft unions such as carpenters, cigar-makers, and shoemakers.
picket line a line of striking workers outside the business that they are striking against.
strike fund money used to support striking workers in their time of protest.
managers those individuals who "run" the company
lockout when a company "lockout" their workers in protest of unhappy workers
strike-breakers or scabs these are temporary workers that are brought in by management to replace striking workers.
yellow dog contracts an agreement employers would ask their employees to sign agreeing not to join a union
blacklisting a list of workers (trouble makers) whose names will be circulated to other businesses
injunction a court order from a judge ordering workers back to work.
anarchists people who believe in overthrowing capitalist society and establishing self-governing communities.
Henry C. Frick Carnegie's partner who pushed steel workers at Homestead extremely hard until they broke and went on strike.
Pinkerton detectives hired muscle by Frick to break the strike at Homestead. They were armed whiling to kill if needed.
George Pullman his workers, who built railroad passenger cars in Pullman, Illinois that went on strike in 1894
Company town a town that was owned and operated by a company
Eugene V. Debs helped to form the American Railway Union to assist the workers in the Pullman Strike
ideologies a system of related beliefs and ideas about people, society, economics and government
capitalists these people believed in a "free market" of buying and selling goods.
social darwinists societies were subject to the same laws as other organisms. "Survival of the fittest"
communists followed the ideas of Karl Marx. People within the class structure are all equal. There is no rich, no poor. The workers share everything and own everything. They achieved this through violence.
socialists people who believed in government ownership of all production and businesses. It called for a nonviolent revolution
Created by: PeaceIDABaker
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