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Terminology Review
Term | Definition |
ambly/o | dull, dim |
audi/o | hearing |
audit/o | hearing |
blephar/o | eyelid |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
choroid/o | choroid |
chrom/o | colour |
chromat/o | colour |
core/o | pupil |
cycl/o | ciliary body of eye. cycle, circular |
dacry/o | tear, lacrimal appartatus |
dacryocyst/o | lacrimal sac |
dendr/o | tree |
dipl/o | double |
encephal/o | brain |
gangli/o | ganglion |
gli/o | glue, neuroglial tissue |
hydr/o | water |
irid/o | iris |
kerat/o | horny tissue. hard, cornea |
kinesi/o | movement |
later/o | side, to one side |
mening/o | meninges |
meningi/o | meninges |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
narc/o | numbness, sleep, stupor |
neur/o | nerve |
noct/o | night |
ocul/o | eye |
ophthalm/o | eye |
opt/o | eye, vision |
optic/o | eye, vision |
ot/o | ear |
phac/o | lens |
phot/o | light |
poli/o | gray, gray matter |
presby/o | old age |
pupill/o | pupil |
radicul/o | nerve root |
salping/o | tube |
scot/o | darkness |
staped/o | stapes |
synapt/o | synapsis, point of contact |
thalam/o | thalamus |
thec/o | sheath |
ton/o | tension |
tympan/o | tympanic membrane, ear drum |
vitr/o | vitreous body |
-acusis | hearing |
-al | pertaining to |
-algia | pain |
-ary | pertaining to |
-cele | swelling, hernia |
-cusis | hearing |
-dynia | pain |
-ectomy | excision, removal |
-graphy | process of recording |
-ia | condition |
-ic | pertaining to |
-itis | inflammation |
-logist | specialist in the study of |
-logy | study of |
-lysis | separation, destruction, loosening |
-malacia | softening |
-meter | instrument for measuring |
-metry | act of measuring |
-oid | resembling |
-oma | tumour |
-opia | vision |
-opsia | vision |
-ous | pertaining to |
-pathy | disease |
-phasia | speech |
-phobia | fear |
-plegia | paralysis |
-ptosis | prolapse, downward displacement |
-rrhea | discharge, flow |
-scope | instrument for examining |
-scopy | visual examination |
-stomy | forming an opening |
-tic | pertaining to |
-tome | instrument to cut |
-tomy | incision |
-tropia | turning |
a-, an- | without, not |
bi- | two |
brady- | slow |
contra- | against, opposite |
di- | double |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult |
eso- | inward |
exo- | outside, outward |
hyper- | excessive, above normal |
hypo- | under, below, deficient |
para- | near, beside, beyond |
quadri- | four |
syn- | union, together, joined |
uni- | one |
ADHD | attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder |
AS | left ear |
CP | cerebral palsy |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
EEG | electroencephalography |
ENT | ears, nose, throat |
EOM | extraocular movement |
IOP | intraocular pressure |
LOC | loss of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
OU | both eyes |
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
SLE | slit-lamp examination |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
VF | visual field |
XT | exotropia |