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Muscles & nervous

Chapter 9-10

Nervous system tree Cns central nervous system the brain and spinal cord
Pns peripheral nervous system Information in and out
Somatic nervous system Voluntary skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system Involuntary glands smooth muscle cns and cardiac muscle
Symethic Motor commands sympathy engaged
Parasympathetic Relaxes you floaty
Sensory neuron Has information to cns affrent neuron
Motor neuron Effent neuron
Inter- Interacting neuron internerons brain and spinal cord
Dendrites Neuron makes neurons
Axon Where pass action message down release chemical message
Multiple sclerosis Destruction of myelin sheaths in cns by immune response myelin attack by person antibodies will not get contract will cause fatigue weakness stop atrophy mood problems numb limbs
Neuroglia Provide structure support for neuron said in formation of synapses
Cns Central nervous system
Astrocytes Connects neurons to blood vessels
Ollgodendrocytes Myelinate cns axons
Microglia Phagocytic cell provides structural support
ependyma or enedymal cells Line central canal spinal cord and ventricles of brain and spinal cord covers choroidpiexuses
Depolarized If membrane protentional becomes less negative more positive
Hyperporized Becoming more negative
Vesicles trafficking Tempture drops
Opiate drugs Morphine painkillers from poppy plant
Endorphians Human body produces opiates. Which can be addictive useful for server pain
Antagonist Drug that binds to receptor blocks neurontransmitter binding
Agonist Drug that activates receptor causing action potential or aiding in binding of neurotransmitter
Amphetamines Enhance noriephrine activity elevation alterness and mood
Facial expression muscles small and in the dermis paralysis causes sag found in scalp forehead around the eyes nose mouth and the neck
Four major muscles temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
TMJ Syndrome Temporomandibular joint articulation problem between mandibular condyle of mandidble and mandibular fossa of temporal bone
Pectoral girdle hip bone muscles originate on axial skeleton and insert on to clavicle or scapula
hamstring group main function is to bend knees during walking running climbing stairs and jumping
Quadriceps group four separate muscles that fuse into one common tendon patella
dendrites receive input
sensory receptors at the end of neurons determined sensory integrative and motor
somatic nervous system voluntary communicaates to the central nervous system to skeletal muscles causing contraction
autonomic nervous system communicates instructions to the central nervous system that control viscera heart and various glands
synaptic cleft ends of neuron
schwann cells large axons of peripheral neurons in lipid rich sheaths
multipolar neuron many processes arising from it cell body
ganglia nervous tissue in a multipolar neuron
bipolar neuron has two processes from either end
interneurons in the brain and spinal cord rely on information
unipolar neuron cell body with a single process that divides into two branches and functions as a axon
motor neuron conducts impulses from the brain or spinal cord out the effects muscles or glands
ependyma cuboidal or columnar cells in shape and many have cilia
satellite cells small cuboidal cells that surround cell bodies of neurons in ganglia
presynapic neuron sender to the synapse muscle or glandular cell
resting potential not sending impulses
membrane potential potential difference across cell membrane
action potential and threshold potential neurons being depolarized -55 all or nothing response
synaptic transmission released neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on the post synaptic cell membrane
neurotransmitters neuron system produces 100 different types in the brain alone
Acetylcholine controls skeletal muscle actions
norepinephrine` creates a sense of well being low levels may lead to depression
dopamine creates a sense of well being deficiency in some brain areas associated with Parkinson disease
serotonin primarily inhibitory leads to sleepiness action is blocked by LSD enhanced by selective serotonin rep take inhibitor antidepressant drugs
histamine release in hypothalamus promotes alertness
GABA generally inhibitory
Enkephalins increase during periods of painful stress
Created by: Jenfaith
Popular Anatomy sets




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