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Anatomy Midterm


Conjunctivitis Conjunctive is inflamed and red. Conjunctiva normally secretes mucus which lubricates the eye
Sty Inflammation of one of the ciliary glands/small oil glands
Cataracts lens becomes increasingly hard and opaque. Vision hazy or obstructed
Glaucoma drainage of the aqueous fluid interfered with. Intraocular pressure increases, nerve + retina are compressed. Pain + possible blindness
Myopia Near sightedness. Treated with concave lenses
Hyperopia far sightedness. Treated with convex lenses
Astigmatism irregularities in curvature of the lens + cornea. Blurriness. Treated with cylindrically ground lenses.
Presbyopia as age increases, elasticity of lens decreases
Otitis media Common ear infection of inner ear.
Presbycusis deafness in old people. Gradual deterioration of the spiral organ
Nystagmus involuntary rolling of eyes in only one direction followed by rapid movement in the opposite direction
Vertigo sensation of dizziness and movement when you are standing still
Diabetes insipidus insatiable thirst. Hypo-secretion of ADH, excessive urine output which leads to dehydration.
Myxedema hypo-secretion of TH. Sluggishness mentally and physically
Tetany Hypo-secretion of PTH. prolonged muscle spasms that can result in respiratory paralysis + death.
Diabetes mellitus hypo-secretion of insulin. Body unable to utilize glucose + glucose is lost in the urine
Hypoglycemia hyper-secretion of insulin. Low blood sugar. Anxiety, nervousness, tremors + weakness
Ductus arteriosus ==> ligamentum arteriosum
Foramen ovale ==> fossa ovalis
Murmurs problem with valves. Back-flow of blood
Tonsillitis palatine tonsils become enlarged + inflamed partially blocking the pharynx. Makes swallowing difficult + painful
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Cirrhosis the liver is severely damaged + becomes hard and fibrous
Incontinence lack of voluntary control of the urinary sphincter. Young children - normal Older people- spinal cord injury, emotional problems, bladder irritability, etc.
Ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg implants in uterine tube
Created by: Gianna B
Popular Anatomy sets




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