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Medical Terminology
Chapters 1-6 quiz questions
Question | Answer |
Identify and define the suffix in the term "costochondritis" | itis- inflammation |
The suffixes -algia and -dynia both mean: | pain |
When putting medical terms together, do NOT use a combining vowel: | to join a root to a suffix that begins with a vowel. |
Translate the suffix -logy. | study of |
Which of these correctly represents a medical term built with the following root and suffix: vas/o + spasm? | vasospasm |
Medical language is made up primarily (but not exclusively) of words taken from which two ancient languages? | Greek and Latin |
What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhexis? | rupture |
Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term hemarthrosis? | hem/arthr/osis |
What is the meaning of the suffix -oma? | tumor |
What is the meaning of the suffix -spasm? | involuntary contraction |
Which term means "instrument for looking into a joint"? (arthr/o = joint) | arthroscope |
Which of the following prefixes are opposites? | brady-, tachy- |
Identify and define the root in the term subcutaneous. | cutane/o– skin |
What is the meaning of the root hydr/o? | water |
Which term means "surgical reconstruction of a vessel"? | angioplasty |
Which is the proper translation of gastritis? | Inflammation of the stomach |
Which is the proper translation of angiogram? | Record of the blood vessels |
Translate the suffix -emia. | Blood condition |
Identify the correct pronunciation for the underlined syllable in cyanosis | sai |
Identify and define the prefix in the term antigen. | anti– against |
What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhaphy? | suture |
Which of the following prefixes are opposites? | hyper-, hypo- |
Identify and define the prefix in the term hypertrophic | hyper - over |
Translate the suffix -graph. | Instrument used to produce a record |
What is the root in the term tachycardia? | cardi |
Which of the following pairs of abbreviations are opposites? | PO, NPO |
PERRLA means: | pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. |
Emergency Department Course: Disposition: Transfer to PICU. According to this excerpt, Miss Sweet was transferred to the: | pediatric intensive care unit |
A medication prescribed BID is taken: | twice a day. |
Which part of SOAP describes the following excerpt T: 99.0; HR: 60; RR: 20; BP: 112/70 Gen: Pleasant, responsive. No acute distress Resp: CTA. No wheezes, rales, rhonchi, or crackles. Good air exchange. No increased work of breathing | Objective |
The O in SOAP stands for | objective |
A discharge summary will often have information regarding the recommended f/u, or ________________ for the patient. | follow up |
If a patient’s infection is classified as malignant, it is: | dangerous |
If a patient is prone, he is: | lying down on his belly. |
Prophylaxis refers to: | preventative treatment. |
The S in SOAP stands for | subjective |
A review of systems is: | a description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem. |
Interpret the following abbreviations: "The Pt is 5y/o." | The patient is 5 years old. |
A patient has unremarkable symptoms. Unremarkable is a medical term used to mean: | normal |
When a medical professional gives a prognosis, he is indicating: | the chances for things getting better or worse. |
A skin Bx confirmed diagnosis of AK said cryotherapy for smll lesions on arms and dermabrasion for scalp lesions I explained AK can lead to squamous cell carcinoma and told the risks of sun exposure even further AKs and melanoma. which isnt true | The history of the patient’s skin condition confirmed the doctor thinks the patient has skin cancer. |
Translate the root xer/o. | dry |
Which medical term means abnormal softening of the nail? | Onychomalacia |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term rhytidoplasty? | rhytido (wrinkle) + plasty (reconstruction) = reconstruction of wrinkled skin |
Which of the following roots means thick? | pachy/o |
Which of the following roots means fat? | all of these (adip/o, lip/o, steat/o) |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term ichthyosis? | ichthy (scaly) + osis (condition) = a condition of the skin that is dry and scaly |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hidradenitis? | hidr(sweat) + aden (gland) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the sweat glands |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term percutaneous? | per (through) + cutane (skin) + ous (pertaining to) = pertaining to through the skin |
ID is an abbreviation for: | intradermal = intra(inside) + derm (skin) + itis (inflammation) = pertaining to inside the skin. |
The roots onych/o and ungu/o both mean: | nail |
Translate the root rhytid/o. | wrinkle |
Identify the correct breakdown and translation of the term hyperkeratosis. | hyper (over) + kerat (horny) + osis (condition) = excessive growth of horny skin |
Identify which of the following pairs are synonyms. | Allograft, homograft |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term paronychia? | par (around) + onych (nail) + ia (condition) = condition of the tissue around the nail |
Identify and define the roots in the term pachyderma. | pachy (thick) + derma(skin) |
ABCDE is a mnemonic device for remembering steps in analysis and means: | asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving. |
An autograft is a skin transplant taken from: | a different place on the patient’s body. |
What is the medical term that means excessive growth of hair? | Hypertrichosis |
Which medical term means against histamine? | Antihistamine |
What is the correct pronunciation for the term alopecia? | a-loh-PEE-sha |
The medical term for a freckle is: | macule, macula. |
Which medical term means skin inflammation? | Dermatitis |
Indicate which syllable receives the emphasis when pronouncing the term lipectomy. | 2ndsyllable: pek |
Which of these is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term steatoma? | steat (fat) + oma (tumor) = fatty tumor |
Which syllable receives the emphasis in the medical term arthrogram? | Syllable 1: ar |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term chondroplasty? | chondro (cartilage) + plasty (reconstruction) = reconstruction of cartilage |
Choose the correct translation for the root lumb/o. | Loin, lower back |
Translate the medical term hyperkinesia as literally as possible. | Over movement |
A drug that relieves pain is called a(n): | analgesic. |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteoporosis? | osteo (bone) + por (pore) + osis (condition) = bone pore condition (loss of bone density) |
Which of the following roots describes the small fluid-filled sac found near the body’s joints? | burs/o |
Choose the correct translation for the root tars/o. | ankle |
Which of the following roots refers to arrangement, order, coordination? | tax/o |
Choose the correct translation for the root ankyl/o. | Stiff, bent |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polydactyly? | poly (many) + dactyl (finger) + y (condition) = having more than the normal number of fingers |
Build a medical term that means "tendon inflammation." | Tendonitis |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polymyositis? | poly (many) + myos (muscle) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of many muscles |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term tarsectomy? | tars (ankle) + ectomy (removal) = removal of all or part of an ankle |
Build a medical term that means "puncture of a joint." | Arthrocentesis |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteosclerosis? | osteo (bone) + scler (hardening) + osis (condition) = abnormal hardening of bone |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cervicodynia? | cervico (neck) + dynia (pain) = neck pain |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myasthenia? | my (muscle) + asthenia (weakness) = muscle weakness |
Build a medical term that means "incision into fascia." | Fasciotomy |
Choose the correct translation for the root femor/o. | femur |
Which of the following roots describes the fibrous connective tissue that binds muscles together? | fasci/o |
What is the correct abbreviation for a fracture? | Fx |
Which medical term means rib pain? | Costalgia |
Which is the correct translation of “subchondral sclerosis”? | sub (beneath) + chondr (cartilage) + al (pertaining to) + sclerosis (hardening condition) = hardening condition beneath the cartilage |
Identify the correct pronunciation for the term costochondritis. | KAW-stoh-kawn-DRAI-tis |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term apathy? | a (not) + path (suffering, disease) + y (condition) = without feeling or emotion |
Translate the medical term cerebral thrombosis as literally as possible. | "Pertaining to brain - clot condition": blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot |
Build a medical term that means "nerve tumor." | Neuroma |
Identify and define the root in the term hypnotic. | hypno - sleep |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term anesthetic? | an (not) + esthestic (feeling, sensation) = a drug that causes loss of sensation |
Translate the medical term subdural hematoma as literally as possible. | Blood tumor located beneath the dura |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term dysphasia? | dys (bad) + phas (speech) + ia (condition) = bad speech condition (difficulty speaking) |
Which syllable receives the emphasis in the term neurasthenia? | 3: then |
The widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a: | cerebral aneurysm. |
Which root refers to the nerve bundle? | gangli/o |
Which root refers to the entire membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord? | mening/o, meningi/o |
A loss or decline in mental function is called: | dementia. |
Translate the medical term craniotomy as literally as possible. | Skull incision |
Identify the correct pronunciation for the term meningocele. | meh-NIN-goh-seel |
Build a medical term that means "large head condition." | Macrocephaly |
Translate the medical term lobectomy as literally as possible. | Lobe removal |
A patient experiencing an abnormal sensation, usually numbness or tingling in the skin, is experiencing: | paresthesia. |
Build a medical term that means "removal of a piece of the skull." | Craniectomy |
Build a medical term that means "brain hernia." | Encephalocele |
Translate the medical term cephalalgia as literally as possible. | Head pain |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polyneuritis? | poly (many) + neur (nerve) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of multiple nerves |
Translate the root esthesi/o. | Feeling, sensation |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term ganglioma? | gangli (nerve bundle) + oma (tumor) = tumor of the ganglion (nerve bundles) |
Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow? | myel/o |
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term neuroarthropathy into its component parts? | neuro/arthro/pathy |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term presbyopia? | presby (old age) + opia (vision condition) = decreased vision caused by old age |
Translate the root myring/o. | Eardrum |
Translate the medical term myringomycosis as literally as possible. | Fungal condition of the ear drum |
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term otorhinolaryngologist into its component parts? | oto/rhino/laryngo/logist |
Which root refers to the part of the skull behind the ear? | mastoid/o |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term retinopathy? | retino (retina) + pathy (disease) = disease of the retina |
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term dacryocystitis? | dacryo (tear) + cyst (sac) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the tear sac |
Which of the following terms refers to ear pain? | Otodynia |
Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the eardrum." | Myringoplasty |
Translate the root lacrim/o. | Tear |
Translate the medical term ophthalmopathy as literally as possible. | Eye disease |
Translate the term audiogram as literally as possible. | Hearing record |
Translate the term iridectomy as literally as possible. | Removal of the iris |
Build a medical term that means "discharge from the ear." | Otorrhea |
Identify the correct pronunciation of the medical term otoscope. | OH-toh-skohp |
Which abbreviation would be used to refer to both ears? | AU |
Identify and define the roots in the medical term blepharoconjunctivitis. | blepharo - eyelid; conjunctiv - conjunctiva |
Select the correct definition for the term otosclerosis. | Hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones in the middle ear |
Read Johnny’s assessment: ASSESSMENT: Johnny has chronic OM failing three courses of oral antibiotics. Which of the following is TRUE given this information? | Otitis media, an inflammation of the middle ear |
Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the conjunctiva." | Conjunctivitis |
Which of the following abbreviations pertains to the eye? | VA |
Translate the root cycl/o. | Ciliary body, the circle of tissue surrounding the lens |
What is the root used in the abbreviations OD, OS, and OU? | oculus - eye |
Build a medical term that means "eye paralysis." | Ophthalmoplegia |
Crying, or the formation of tears, is known as: | lacrimation. |