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Ch 5 and 6

Muscles Skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Skeletal Bones strained voluntary
Smooth Walls of organs involuntary
Cardiac Heart wall involuntary
Nervous tissue Neurons and neuroglia
Neurons Found in brain and spinal cord peripheral nerves Function cells
Neuroglia Cell support and bind nervous tissue Components sensory reception nerve impulses
Membranes Serous, mucous, cutaneous, synovial
Cartilage Inspectlized connective tissue
Bone Solid matrix protects forms blood cells attachment for muscles
Blood Plasma red white blood cells platelets transports defends
Elastic connective tissue Elastic fibers collangenous fibers attachment between bones Walls of large arteries airways of heart
Dense regular connective tissue Very strong and fiberblasts bind body Parts together elastic fibers
Adipose connective tissue Stores fat beneath skin cushions insulates Behind eye balls around kidney between muscles and the heart
Connective tissue 2 Bone cartilage blood
Connective tissue Function binds structures provide support protect against infection Protection fill spaces framework store fat produce blood cells
Epithelial tissue Simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, Pseudostratified columnar, stratified squamous, transitional
Columnar Tall cells
Cuboid Cubed shaped cell
Squamous Flat cells
Pseudostratified Single layer of elongated cells
Stratified More than one layer of cells
Simple One layer of cells
Histology Study of tissue
Integumentory system Hair skin nails
Burns Superficial first degree partial thickness red color Second degree partial thickness blisters and third degree full-Thickness autograft hard no skin hemograft
Wound healing Cut result in breaking blood vessel which cases a clot to form
Sebum Hair follicles fatty materials and cell debris
Apocrine Axils armpits and peridnaharea
Eccrine sweat Smelly distribute all over body warmer based secretion cooling in humans
Arrector pill Smooth muscles attach to hair follicles
3 accessory structures of skin Nails hair follicles skin glands
Tattoos Used as mechanized needle to puncture the dermis with ink involves damaging the skin and dispose of the bloodstream
Jaundice in newborns Yellow discoloration of skin white part the sclera of eyes having too much substance called bilirubin in blood
3 types of skin cancer Squamous cell carcinoma basal cell carcinoma and melanoma
Pigment of skin Neuromelanin, eumelainin, pheomelnin
Bed sores Patients that are confined to bed or wheelchair injuries to skin and underlying the tissue from prolonged pressure
5 layers of epidermis Stratum cornemu, stratum lucidum, stratum grumulosum, stratum spinnosum, stratum basale
Epidermis Made of epithelium
Harding of skin Keratine
3 layers of skin Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
Created by: Jenfaith
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