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urinary reproductive

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MICTURITION achieved by which spincter external
Micturition, urination and voiding are the same thing which is They all refer to emptying of the bladder
what are the structures of the urinary track kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
remove waste from the blood,form urine which is essential for HEMEOSTASIS and maintenance of life.Regulate proper balance between body water content & salt by retaining or excreting both. Play an important role in maintaining adequate RBC numbers. kidneys
are narrow tubes less than 6 mm (1/4 inch) wide and 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches) long Urine drains out of the ureter into the bladder. uteters
women it sits in front of the uterus & men rest on the prostate. The bladder has elastic fibers and involuntary muscle fibers in the wall that make the bladder well suited for expanding to hold large amounts of urine and then contracts to empty itself. bladder
passes from the bladder, down the urethra, out of external opening, the urinary meatus. The urethra is the lowest part of the urinary tract. In a man the urethra has 2 functions pass urine and semem urethra
Know information of the nephron More than 1 million microscopic units called nephrons make up each kidney’s
Know the structures of the nephron microscopic structures The nephron is composed of two principle components
the renal corpuscle is divided into two parts…..
Bowman’s Capsule is the cup shaped top of a nephron the saclike bowman’s capsule surrounds the glomerulus)
Glomerulus is the network of blood capillaries inside the Bowman’s capsule.
The renal Tubule can be divided into four regions
Proximal Convoluted Tubule is the first segment of the renal tubule. (it is called proximal because it lies nearest the tubules origin from the bowman’s capsule. And is called convoluted because it has several bends
Loop of Henle is the extension of the proximal tubule. The Loop of Henle consist of a straight desending limb, a hairpin loop and a straight ascending limb.
Distal Convoluted tubule is the part of the tubule distal to the ascending limb of the Loop of Henle
Collecting Tubule is the straight part (that is not convoluted) of the renal tubule
ADH comes from the posterior pituitary gland and is known as the “water retaining hormone “ or as the “urine decreasing hormone”
Created by: windsofchange
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