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med term slides 4

Fact: The digestive system is like a long tube that starts at mouth and ends at anus
The digestive system inner lining is made up of 3 layers: inner mucous membrane, middle smooth muscle, outer serous membrane
pharyng/o pharynx
cholangi/o bile duct
gastr/o stomach
pancreat/o pancreas
col/o colon
ile/o ileum
an/o anus
esophag/o esophagus
gloss/o, lingu/o tongue
stomat/o mouth
cheil/o lips
hepat/o liver
cholecyst/o gallbladder
duoden/o duodenum
jejun/o jejunum
appendic/o appendix
rect/o rectum
gingiv/o gums
esophagogastric, gastroesophageal pertaining to the esophagus and stomach
-tome cutting instrument
-tomy to cut into, incise
-ectomy to cut out, excise
-stomy to form a new opening, surgically
-scope viewing instrument
-rrhea discharge, flow
-rrhagia bleeding, hemorrhage
-rrhaphy suturing, stitching
-rhexis rupture
The small intestine is for nutrient absorption and is divided into 3 sections: duodenum-duoden/o, jejunum-jejun/o, ileum-ile/o
The large intestine or colon is for water absorption and waste elimination,colon includes: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon
colostomy procedure that creates an opening into the colon from the abdominal wall through which fecal matter passes into a bag
atresia congenital closure of a tubular organ
occlusion act of being closed
stenosis narrowing or stricture
collapse abnormal falling in of walls
intussusception prolapse of one part into another
proct/o anus and rectum
hemorrhoids dilated veins in the rectum
rectoscope instrument to view the rectum
proctoscope instrument to view the rectum and anus
rectoscopy process of examining the rectum with a scope
proctoscopy process of examining the rectum and anus with a scope
sigmoidscopy process of examining the sigmoid colon with a scope
splen/o spleen
abdomin/o abdomin
-centesis insert a needle to withdraw fluid
-lith/o stone
chol/e gall or bile
-tripsy crushing
bil/l bile
amniocentesis puncturing amnio sac to remove cells for genetic testing
-pepsia digestion
-kinesia movement
-esthesia sensation
-ase indicates an enzyme
lipase breaks down fat
amylase breaks down starch
lactase breaks down lactose
phag/o eat
trichophagy hair eating
aerophagy air swallowing
dysphagia difficult swallowing
dietitians manage food service departments/guard against malnutrition
dietetic technicians/assistant work with dieticians/guard against malnutrition
-ostomy make a new opening
colonostomy make new opening in the colon
glossectomy excise the tongue
hepatorrhagia hemorrhage of the liver
gastroscope instrument to view the stomach
dyspepsia difficult digestion
eupepsia good or easy digestion
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
bradyphagia slow swallowing
tachyphagia fast swallowing
Created by: disney2000
Popular Medical sets




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