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2 muscles the are striated cardiac and skeletal
intercalated disk membrains that appear as dark lines between cells
intercalated disk are found in the cardiac muscle
3 primary functions of skeletal muscles movement of the skeleton,maintence of posture,generation of heat
fascicle individual muscle fibers arranged in bundles
endomysium deepest layer that surrounds the individual fibers in the fascicles
motor unit single neuron and all muscle fibers it stimulates
neurotransmitter is released at the neuro muscular junction acetylcholine(ACH)
excitability able to transmit electrical currents along with plasma membrane
myoglobin stores additional oxygen
when does muscle relaxtion occur when stimulation ends and the calcium is pumped back into the ER
ATP used to detach myosin heads and move them back in position for another power stroke
contractility the compacity of muscle fiber to undergo shortening and to change its shape becoming thicker
what gives the skeletal muscle its straited appearance actin(thin) myosin(thick)
when muscles r at rest what 2 proteins block the sites on actin filaments where cross bridges can form troponin and tropomyosin
what has to attach to proteins so that binding sites are uncovered calcium
muscle tone partially contracted state of muscle that is normal even when muscle is not in use
hypertrophy muscle cells increase in size
lactic acid accumulates in cells during anaerobic metabolism
anaerobic not requiring oxygen
prime mover muscle that performs movement
insertion attachment to part of the body that muscle puts into action
orgin less movable(more fixed) attachment
isometric no change in muscle length but there is a great increase in muscle tension(ex.pushing against a immovable force)
isotonic tone or tension w/in a muscle remains the same but muscle as whole shortens producing movement(ex.lifting weights)
trapezius posterior of neck and upper back to clavicle and scapula,raises shoulder and pulls it back,extends head
diaphragm dome shaped partition between thoracic and abdominal cavities,dome decends to enlarge thoricac from to to bottom
glycogen stores additional glucose
creatine stores energy
class of lever being used when the bicep flexes the forearm at the elbow third class
muscle of the lips orbicularis oris
muscle that refers to the fleshy part of the cheek buccinator or trumpeters muscle
temporalis surerior to ear(largest muscle to mastication)
messeter anlge of the jaw(largest muscle to mastication)
wryneck common name for torticollis
where is the iliopsoas located crosses fron of hip joint to femur
muscle that covers the anterior and lateral femur quadriceps femoris
what do hamstrings do flexes leg
what muscle is being used standing on tip toes gastrochemius
antagonist to the gastrocemius tibilis anterior
student elbow olecranon bursitis
house maids knee prepatellar bursitis
contractility capacity of muscle fiber to undergo shortening and chage shape becoming thicker
lever bone
fullcrum joint
antagonist muscle that produces an opposite movement to that of the prime mover
synergist w/w prime movers to acomplish a movement
obicularis circular
rectus straight
ceps # of heads(attachment points)
flexor bending
levator lifter
sternocleidomastoid head foward on chest
tranversus abdominis innermost abdominal muscle
what does the gluteus medius do abducts thigh
spasm sudden involuntary muscle contraction
colic spasm of visceral muscles
atrophy waising or decrease in size of a muscle it cannot be used
myalgia muscular pain
fibrositis inflamation of connective tissue,refers to tissue associated muscle and joint
carpal tunnel effects the tendons and flexor muscles of fingers and nerves in hands and fingers
when muscles are at rest what two proteins block the sites on actin filaments where cross bridges can form troponin and tropomyosin
Created by: cornejo
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