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Medical Terminology

Chpt 3: Body Structure - Combining Forms

abdomin (o) abdomen
acetabul (o) cup-shaped hip socket
aden (o) gland
adip (o) fat
adren (o) adrenal glands
alveol (o) air sac
angi (o) vessel
aort (o) aorta
appendic (o) appendix
arterio (o) artery
arteriol (o) arteriole
arthr (o) joint; articulation
aur (i) ear
auricul (o) ear
belphar (o) eyelid
brachi (o) arm
bronch (o), bronchi bronchus
bucc (o) cheek
burs (o) bursa
calcane (o) heel bone
cardi (o) heart
carp (o) wrist bones
celi (o) abdomen
cephal (o) head
cerebell (o) cerebellum
cerebr (o) cerbrum
cervic (o) neck; cervix
cheil(o), chil (o) lip
chir (o) hand
chole, cholo bile
chondri (o), chondr (o) cartilage
col (o), colon (o) colon
colp (o) vagina
core (o) pupil
cortic (o) cortex
costi, costo rib
crani (o) cranium
cyst (i), cysto bladder; cyst
cyt (o) cell
dactyl (o) fingers, toes
dent (i), dento tooth
derm (o), derma, dermat (o) skin
duoden (o) duodenum
encephal (o) brain
enter (o) intestines
episi (o) vulva
gastr (o) stomach
gingiv (o) gum
gloss (o) tongue
gnath (o) jaw
gonad (o) sex glands
hem (a), hemat (o), hemo blood
hepat (o), hepatic (o) liver
hidr (o) sweat
histi (o), histo tissue
hyster (o) uterus, hysteria
ile (o) ileum
ili (o) ilium
inguin (o) groin
irid (o) iris
ischi (o) ischium
kary (o) nucleus
kerat (o) cornea
labi (o) lip
lamin (o) lamina
lapar (o) abdominal wall
laryng (o) larynx
linguo tongue
lip (o) fat
lymph (o) lymph
mast (o) breast
maxill (o) maxilla
medull (o) medulla
mening (o) meninges
muco mucus
my (o) muscle
myel (o) spinal cord; bone marrow
nephr (o) kidney
neur, neuro nerve
oculo eye
odont (o) tooth
onych (o) nail
oo egg
oophor (o) ovary
ophthalm (o) eye
opto, optico sight
or (o) mouth
orchi (o), orchid (o) testis
osseo, ossi bone
oste, osteo bone
ot (o) ear
ovari (o) ovary
ovi, ovo egg; ova
ped (o), pedi foot; child
pelvi (o), pelvo pelvic bone; hip
pharyng (o) pharynx
phleb (o) vein
phren (o), phreni, phrenico diaphragm; mind
pil (o) hair
plasma, plasmo, plasmat (o) plasma
pleur (o), pleura rib; side; pleura
pneum (a), pneumat (o) lungs; air; breathing
pneum (o), pneumon (o) lungs; air; breathing
pod (o) foot
proct (o) anus
psych (o), psyche mind
pulmon (o) lung
pyel (o) renal pelvis
rachi (o) spine
rect (o) rectum
reni, reno kidney
rhin (o) nose
sacr (o) sacrum
sarco fleshy tissue; muscle
scler (o) sclera
sial (o) salivary glands; saliva
sigmoid (o) sigmoid colon
somat (o) body
sperma, spermato, spermo semen; spermatozoa
splanchn (o), splanchni viscera
splen (o) spleen
spondyl (o) vertebra
stern (o) sternum
steth (o) chest
stom (a), stomat (o) mouth
ten (o), tendin (o) tendon
tendo, tenen (o) tendon
test (o) testis
thorac (o), thoracico thorax, chest
thym (o) thymus gland
thyr (o) thyroid gland
trache (o) trachea
trachel (o) neck
trich (o), trichi hair
varico varicosity
vas (o) blood vessel, duct
vasculo blood vessel
veni, veno vein
ventricul (o) ventricle
vertebro vertebra
vesic (o) bladder
Created by: sea2sound
Popular Anatomy sets




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