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Muscular system


Cardiac muscle Involuntary, appear striped or striated, found only in heart
Smooth muscle Involuntary, non-striated, found in the digestive tract, blood vessels, bladder ,Airways ,and uterus
Skeletal muscle Voluntary, appears markedly striated, attached to Bone and causes movement of the body
Deltoid abducts flexes and rotates the arm involved in swinging the arm
Pectoralis major flexes and adducts the upper arm such as when climbing or hugging
Rectus abdominis Flexes the lumbar region of the spinal cord to cause bending at the waist
Frontalis Raises the eyebrows
Sternocleidomastoid Flexes the head
Muscles used for breathing the external intercostals the internal intercostals and diaphragm
Trapezius raises and lowers the shoulders
Latissimus dorsi Adducts the humerus extends the upper arm backward such as when running or swimming
Brachialis Prime mover when flexing the forearm
Triceps brachii Prime mover when extending the forearm
Iliopsoas Flexes the thigh
Sartorius Longest muscle in the body aids in flexion of the hip and knee
Quadriceps femoris most powerful muscle in body
Gastrocnemius The more superficial muscle bulging calf muscle
External intercostals Elevate the ribs during inspiration
Internal intercostals Depress the ribs during forced exhalation
Diaphragm Enlarges the thorax to trigger inspiration
Prime mover Main muscle triggering movement
Synergist Muscles that assist with movement
Atrophy Lack of muscle use cause muscle to shrink
Incomplete tetanus Condition of Rapid contraction with only partial relaxation
Threshold Minimum voltage needed to cause muscle fiber contraction
Muscle fiber Skeletal muscle cell
Epimysium Layer of connective tissue that surrounds the muscle as a whole and binds all the muscle fibers together
Tendons Strong cords of fibrous connective tissue
muscles attached to Bones by Tendons
Myofibril long protein bundles that fill the sacroplasm store glycogen and oxygen
Muscle tone a continuous state of partial muscle contraction in which muscles are at their own optimal resting length
Motor unit A new run motor and all the fibers it stimulates
Contraction force is affected by Muscle size degree of stretch and number of muscle fibers Contracting
Muscle contraction requires ATP and calcium
Skeletal muscle contraction requires The stimulation by a motor neuron
Created by: Bravnunez
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