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Medical Terminology

Ch. 10 The Cardiovascular System

angina pectoris chest pain usually caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart
angiospasm abnormal contractions(spasms) of a blood vessel wall
angiostenosis narrowing of a blood vessel
arrhythmia any loss of rhythm in the heartbeat
bradycardia an abnormally slow heart rate
cardiodynia a sensation of pain in the heart
cardiogenic a condition that originates in the heart
cardiomegaly abnormal hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart
cyanosis blue coloration of the skin and muccous membranes ( caused by oxygen deficiency
dysrhythmia a disturbance or abnormality of the hearts normal rhythmic cycle
palpitation an experience of pounding, racin=, or skipping of the heartbeat
tachycardia a fast heartbeat
aneurysm bulging of an arterial wall caused by a congenital defect or an acquired weakness of the arterial wall produced as blood is pushed against it
angiocarditis inflammation of the heart and blood vessels
angioma tumor that arises from a blood vessel
arteriorrhexais rupture of an artery
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteris
atherosclerosis narrowing of an artery due to the deposition of a fatty plaque along the internal wall
atrial septal defect congenital condition characterized by an opening in the septum that separates the right and left atria, allowing blood to pass between the atria. Abbreviated ASD
atrioventricular defect defect, usually congenital, that alters the structure of both an atrium and a ventricle
cardiac arrest cessation of the heart activity
cardiomyopathy a general disease of the heart muscle
cardiovalvulitis inflammation of the heart valves
claudication a limp when walking, caused by poor circulation
congestive heart failure chronic condition characterized by the inability of the left ventricle to pump enough blood through the body to adequately supply systemic tissues. Abbreviate CHF; also Left ventricular failure
coronary artery disease generalized condition of the arteries of the heart,characterized by a reduction of blood flow to the heart wall; the most common cause is atherosclerosis;abbreviated CAD
coronary occlusion blockage of an artery that supplies the heart;;
deep vein thrombosis the abnormal presences of stationary blood clots within the deep veins of the leg; Abbreviated DVT
embolism floating blood clot
endocarditis inflammation of the endocardium
fibrillation uncoordinated, rapid contractions of the ventricles or atria
heart attack acute episode during which the myocardium is deprived of blood flow leading to tissue death;Abbreviated HA; also called myocardial infarction
hemorrhoids vericose vein in the anal region;
hypertension persistently high blood pressure
hypotension chronic condition of low blood pressure
ischemia an abnormally low flow of blood to tissues; (result of atherosclerotic plaque formation or blood clots)
myocardial infarction myocardium is deprived of blood flow leading to tissue death;Abbreviated MI
myocarditis inflammation of the myocardium, or muscle layer of the heart wall
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
polyarteritis inflammation of an artery at numerous sites
thrombosis the presence of a stationary blood clot within a blood vessel
varicosis a condition of an abnormally dilated vein
ventricular septal defect an opening in the septum that separates the right ventricle from the left ventricle, allowing blood to pass between them
aneurysmectomy surgical excision of an aneurysm
angiogram a recording obtained from an angiography proceure
angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel
angioscopy use of a flexible fiber optic instrument, or endoscope, to observe a diseased blood vessel
aortogram a recording of an x-ray of the aorta
arteriogram a recording of an x-ray of a particular artery
arteriotomy an incision into an artery
atherectomy surgical removal of a fatty plaque within a blood vessel using a specialized rotary knife and a catheter
ausculation physical examination that consists of listening to internal sounds using a stethoscope
cardiac catheterization procedure which involves inserting a flexible catheter into a brachial or femoral artery and threading it into the heart
cardiologist one who specializes in treatment of patients with heart disease
cardiology field of medicine that focuses on the treatment of patients with heart disease
cardiopulmonary resuscitation emergency response proceure that includes artificial ventilation and external heart massage in effort to resuscitate patient; Abbreviated CPR
coronary angiogram a recording of an x-ray of the hearts circulation
coronary artery bypass graft surgical procedure which usually involves harvesting a vessel from another part of the body, attaching one end to the aorta and the other end just below the blockage. Abbreviated CABG
coronary stent a metallic scaffold that is implanted in a coronary artery to prevent closure of the artery after angioplasty or atherectomy
defibrillation electrical charge to the heart in an effort to defibrillate, or stop fibrillation, of the heart
doppler sonography ultrasound procedure that evaluates blood flow through a blood vessel
echocardiography ultrasound procedure in which sound waves are directed through the heart to evaluate heart anomalies;stress ECHO
electrocardiography procedure in which the electrical events associated with the beating of the heart are evaluated and are represented by deflections of a pen on a graph known as an electrocardiogram;Abbreviated ECG or EKG
embolectomy surgical removal of an embolus (floating clot)
endarterectomy surgical removal of a fatty plaque or blood clot from the interior of an artery
hemmorrhoidectomy surgical removal of hemorrhoids
pericardiostomy surgical creation of an opening in the pericardial sac
phlebectomy excision or puncture of a vein
phlebotomy incision or puncture into a vein, usually to remove blood fro sampling or to donate blood
sphygmomanometry procedure that measures arterial blood pressure
valvuloplasty surgical repair of a heart valve;
venogram recording of an x-ray of a vein
Created by: CelenaCamp
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