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NAU A&P, 5

NAU Tissues

Associated with various organs Peri
Next to the heart Pericardium
Next to the bone Periosteum
Next to the cartilage Perichondrium
Covers, separates and protects skeletal muscle Deep Fascia
Insulates the body and protects the skin, located beneath the skin Superficial Fascia
Dense, regular, connective tissue- bands that wrap around muscle Fascia
Covers parts of nervous tissue Meninges
Lines the joint cavities and small cushions near the joints (bursae) Synovial membranes
Skin Cutaneous
Lines tubes and other spaces that open to the outside of the body Mucous
Lines the walls of the abdominal cavity, covers the organs; supports and protects the structures within the abdomen. Peritoneum
Sac that holds the heart divided into Serous pericardium
Area holding the lungs Pleurae
On the surface of the organs, intimate covering of the lungs Visceral membranes
Attached to the body wall, lines thoracic cavity Parietal membranes
Lines the body cavities Serous membranes
Surface is made of epithelium Epithelium Membranes
A thin sheet or layer of pliable tissue, serving as a covering or envelope of a part, as the lining of a cavity, as a partition or septum, or as a connection between 2 structures Membranes
No epithelium tissue Connective Tissue Membranes
Four types of tissues Epithelial, Connective, Muscular and Nervous
Is avascular and innovated. Covers surfaces, lines cavities and forms glands Epithelial Tissue
Is vascular, has extra cellular matrix which includes adhesion proteins and polysaccharides. Supports and frames the framework of the body. Connective Tissue
Controls and allows movement Muscular Tissue
Transmits impulses, only tissue in body that will not regenerate. Nervous Tissue
Single cell layered, Absorption and excretion of products and waste Simple Epithelial Tissue
Nuclei not in a certain position. Found in respiratory tract, cilia along the top of the cell Psuedostratified Epithelial Tissue
Multiple layers of cells in order to provide protection. Allows for wear and tear. On soles of hands and feet. Stratified Epithelial Tissue
Allows for expansion and contraction. Found in urinary tract, the bladder and ureters. Transitional Epithelial Tissue
Flat and irregular tissue Squamous Epithelial Tissue
One layer thickness. Allows passages of nutrients, gases and wastes in the lungs. Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue
Covers the heart, preventing the heart from eroding due to constant blood flow. Found in lymphatic and blood vessels. Endothelium
Lines the ventricle cavity organs- abdominopelvic and thoracic. Protects the organs from friction, where the organs rub against each other. Mesothelium
Cubed shaped, 3-dimensional cells. Forms lining of several glands and ducts including kidneys. Cuboidal
Long, narrow columns with 3-dimensional shape. Nuclei loacted towards the bottom and cytoplasm towards the top. Found towards digestive tract. Columnar
Groups of epithelial cells that make and secrete a product Glands
Are internal glands, secretes products into the bloodstream. Ex: hormones Endocrine Glands
External glands, secrete products to exit the cell or body OR go into the lumen of another organ. Ex: sebaceous, salivary and mammary glands Exocrine Glands
Inside space. Ex: ear canal, nasal cavity Lumen
Only organ that has both endocrine and exocrine glands Pancreas
Found with columnar tissue. Helps with mucous production. Goblet cells
Is a straight tube that opens directly to the surface. Found in intestinal tract. Simple Tubular Glands
Branched tubelike gland, with a short duct or no duct. Found in gastric region. Simple Branched Tubular Glands
Long coiled tubelike gland with a long duct, J-shaped. Found in sweat glands. Simple Coiled Tubular Glands
Shaped like a 3-leaf clover, secretes sebum (oil). Found in sebaceous glands. Simple Branched Alveolar Glands
Looks like a leaf. Found in the Bulbourethral glands of males. Is a complex gland. Compound Tubular Glands
Irregularly branched tubules with numerous saclike outgrowths. Found in mammary glands Compound Alveolar Glands
Gland that secretes sweat and odor Psudoriferous
Secrete products through the cell. Ex: Salivary glands, pancreatic glands and sweat glands of the skin Merocrine Glands
Secretes products and the top part of the cell, the apex. Ex: Mammary glands and ceruminous glands in ear canal Apocrine Glands
Earwax Ceruminous
Secretes the cell and its product. Ex: Sebaceous glands of the skin Holocrine Glands
Secretes fibers into extracelluar connective tissue. Provides support. Fibroblast
Big eaters, Phagotizes anything not appropriate for the body. Ex: hungry teenage boys. Macrophage
Located near blood cells. Releases heparin and histamine for allergies. Mast cells
Blood and Lymph connects the tissues together Liquid or Vascular Connective Tissue
Types of Soft or Loose Tissue Adipose, Areolar and Reticular tissues
Fatty tissue Adipose Tissue
All other tissues or cells are bordered by it or embedded in it. Areolar Tissue
A delicate of interwoven fibers, that function as a stroma (net) to support free blood cells. Ex: Lymphatic tissue or bone marrow. Reticular Tissue
Net Stroma
Contains collagen. Forms ligaments, tendons and capsules (shells) of certain organs. Found in the kidneys. Fibrous or Dense Tissue
Flexible white protein Collagen
Cartilage and Bone Hard Connective Tissue
No fibers. Hard, protective covering over long bones. Can erode away. Hyaline Cartilage
Visible fibers around the matrix of cells. Little flexibility. In between vertebral discs and the 2 pubic bones. Fibrocartilage
Fibers in many directions. Allows flexibility or movement. Provides framework in ears and parts of the larynx. Elastic Cartilage
Osseous Tissue Bone
Bone building cells Osteoblasts
Breaking down bone cells Oseoclasts
Bone maintenance cells Osteocytes
Types of cartilage tissues Hyaline, Fibrocartilage and Elastic Cartilage Tissues
Types of muscle tissues Cardiac, Skeletal and Smooth Muscle tissues
Types of Nervous tissues Neurons and Neuroglia Tissues
Associated with skeleton. Voluntary muscle control. Striated muscle fibers of actin and myotin Skeletal Tissue
Heart muscle tissue. Is striated and has intercolated disks to reinforce the muscle tissue. Involuntary control. Cardiac Tissue
No striations. Involuntary control. Located primarily in digestive system. Found in walls of hollow organs. Smooth Muscle Tissue
Are impulse transmitting cells that make up nervous tissue Neurons
Brings impulses into the cell. Dendrites
Body of the cell Somite or Pericarron
Transmits information away from the cell Axon
These cells do not transmit impulses. They nourish, protect and clean up after the neurons. The "mom cells" Neuroglia cells
Tissue mass that is formed when cells lose division control Tumor
Remains in place like a lump, eventually interferring with the function of healthy tissue Benign Tumor
Is invasive, extending into surrounding tissue. May resemble a crab with outreaching claws Malignant Tumor
Created by: FKrouse
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