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What is predisposing factor A condition or situation that may make a person more susceptable to disease.
What is a gene The basic unit of heredity
What gene pairs are both dominent or both recessive in their expression of a trait homozygous
When one is dominent and one is recessive heterozygous
When trying to determine a persons genetic make up genotype
apperance or physical characteristics phenotype
changes in the structure of genes that may cause functional disturbances in the body mutations
caused by mutation in a single gene Monogenic disorder
A chronic generalized disease of the exocrine glands, primaraly affecting the pancreas, respiratory system , and sweat glands cystic fibrosis
A rare lipid abnormally distinguished by progressive neurologic deterioration and a cherry-red spot with a gray border on both retinae Tay-Sachs disease
An undersecretion of hormones from the thyroid gland Cretinism(hyperthyroidism)
An inability to metabolize an essential amino acid,phenylalanine Phenylketonuria(PKU)
The body produces a defective form of hemoglobin that causes red blood cells to roughen and become sickle shaped sickle cell anemia
What is the bodies response to trauma, physical agents,allergies, and pathogenic organisms inflammation
A condition that results from insufficent secretion of vassopression by the posterior portion of the pituitary gland diabetes insipidus
A rare cancer usually present at birth Retinoblastoma
A bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of specific types of serum proteins called clotting factors Hemophilia
A progressive bilateral wasting of skeletal muscles Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy
Caused by abnormalities in the number of chromosomes or by changes in chromosomal structure Chromosomal disorders
A condition that occurs when there is an additionl x chromosome in males Klinefelter's syndrome
A conditioned caused by the loss of the x chromosomes i either the ovum or the sperm Turner's syndrome
A condition in which an individual has three number 21 chromosomes instead of the normal two Down syndrome
A chronic, systemic, inflamatory disease affecting the joints Rheumatoid arthritis
A metabolic disturbance causing the excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body gout
A disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism due to insuffient insulin production by the pancreas Diabetes Mellitus
This catagory includes six major anatomic defects that cause circulatory problems Congenital heart anomalies
The invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in our the body infection
single-celled organisms of many varieties bacteria
smallest microorganisms viruses
single-celled organisms with animale-like characteristics protozoa
rod-shaped bacteria Bacilli
spiral-shaped bacteria spirilla
dot-shaped bacteria Cocci
A group of host-requiring organisms that include external and internal parasites parasites
resembles earthworms in apperance roundworms
long,narrow, and they depend on two hosts, one human and one animale tapeworm
small, leaf-shaped,flat, unsegmented worms Flukes
The leading cause of death in the United States for people younger than 35 physical trauma
what causes the brain to be jostled inside the skull Cerebral contusions and concussions
often are accompanied by scalp wounds and profuse bleeding Skull fractures
an acute infection causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract common cold
an acute,contagious respiratory disease characterized by fever,chills,headache,and myalgia influenza
associated with HIV AIDS
caused by a tick-transmitted spirochete lyme disease
highly communicable disease whose diagnostic signs are fever,and an appearance of a rash measles
an acute contagious disease characterized by fever and inflammation of the parotid salivary glands mumps
a highly contagious disease characterized by the appearance of a distinctive rash that passes through stages of macules,papuels,vesicles,and crusts varicella
an acute life-threatening infectious disease characterized by a branelike coating that forms over mucous membrane surfaces,particulary along the respiratory tract, and by a toxic reaction primaraly affecting the heart and peripheral nerves diphtheria
an acute,highly infecious respiratory tract disease characterized by a repetious,paroxysmal cough and a prolonged,harsh or shrill sound during inspiration pertussis
an acute,lifethreatening infecious disease by persistent,painful contractions of skeletal muscles tetanus
another name for tetanus lockjaw
bilateral,symmetrical,nonprogressive paralysis resulting from developmental defects of the brain or trauma at birth cerebral palsy
condition marked by too much cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain hydrocephalus
narrowing of the pyloris pyloric stenosis
obstruction and dialation of the colon with feces as a result of inadequate intestinal motility Hirschsprung's disease
nontraumatic,frequently occurring congenital deformity in which the foot is permanently bent clubfoot
another name for clubfoot Talipes
developmental defect of the collecting tubuels in the cortex of the kidneys Polycstic Kidney Disease
also called infective tubulointerstitual nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis due to infection Pyelonephritis
the allergic inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidneys nephrons glomerulonephritis
condition or a complex of signs and syptoms of the basement membrane of the glomerulus nephrotic syndrome
gradual,progressive deterioration of kidney function chronic renal failure
the rapid destruction or degeneration of the tubular segments of nephrons in the kidneys acute tubular necrosis
concentration of various mineral salts in the renal pelvis or calyces of the kidney or elsewhere in the urinary tract renal calculi
inflammation of the bladder cystitis
inflammation of the urethra urethritis
any loss or impairment of bladder function caused by central nervous system injury or by damage to nerves supplying the bladder neurogenic bladder
inflammation of the oral mucosa stomatitis
most common stomach ailment,consists of the inflammation and erosion of the gastric mucosa gastritis
inflammation of the stomach and small intestine gastroenteritis
a lesion in the musocal lining of the somach gastric ulcer
inflammation of the veriform appendix acute appendicitis
chronic inflammation and ulceration of the colon,often begining in the rectum or sigmoid colon and extending upward into the entire colon ulcerative colitis
acute inflammation os small, pouch like herniations in the intestinal wall diverticulitis
dialated,tortuous veins in the mucous membrane of the anus or rectum hemorrhoids
formation or presence of stone-like masses called gallstones within the gallbladder or bile ducts cholelithiasis
neoplasm,usually an adenocarcinoma, which occurs most frequently in the head of the pancreas pancreatic cancer
Created by: ford6
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