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acute infection causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, caused by viruses common cold
signs and symptoms are nasal congestion, pharyngitis,headache, malaise, cough common cold
caused by viruses that are of the orthomyxoviridae family, fever chills, croup in children, malaise, muscular aching, headache. treatment is bedrest and adequate fluid intake influenza
no known cause, fever or chills, sore throat, painful cervical or axillary lymph nodes, muscle discomfort, chronic fatigue syndrome
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) class of retrovirus, clinical manifestations, no effective treatment. AIDS
caused by tick transmitted spirochete and bacteria known as borrelia burgdorferi, rash, flu like symptoms, lyme disease
organisms lives in the intestines of healthy cattle, infections causes bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, resolves in 5 to 10 days e coli
caused by rubeola virus, treatment is essentially symptomatic, bed rest, prognosis is good measles
acute infectious disease characterized by fever and rash. caused by rubella virus, malaise, slight fever, sore throat. rubella
acute contagious disease, caused by mumps virus, swollen parotid glands, headache, malaise, fever, earache mumps
varicella chickenpox
highly contagious disease characterized by distinctive rash of macules, papules, vesicles, and crusts. chickenpox
acute, life threatening infectious disease, caused by cornebacterium, mild fever, slight headache diphtheria
acute highly infectious respiratory tract disease characterized by a repetitious paoxysmal cough and a prolonged harsh or shrill sound during indpiration pertussis
whooping cough; cold like symptoms, mild fever runny nose, dry cough, classic cough pertussis
lockjaw tetanus
caused by clostrideuim tetani, onset of symptoms may be either gradual or abrupt, stiffness of the jaw, esophageal sumcles, and some neck muscles tetnus
bilateral, symmetrical nonprogressive paralysis resulting from developmental defects of the brain cerebral palsy
diagnostic is careful neurological assessment, and treatment is directed toward helping overcome the disability cerebral palsy
conditions marked by too much cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain hydrocephalus
narrowing of the pylorus, unknown cause, classic symptoms are projectile vomiting, pyloric stenosis
obstruction and dilation of the colon with feces as a result of inadequate intestinal motility. hirschsprung's disease
disease of the newborn characterized by excessive rates of red blood cell destruction, medical or surgical treatment erythroblastosis
this congenital condition is the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum sac from the abdominal cavity undescended testes
cryptorchidism undescended testes
talipes; deformity in which the foot is permanently bent, unknown cause, obvious at birth clubfoot
abnormality of the hip joint. congenital hip dysplasia
congenital disorder of the exocrine glands characterized by the production of copious amounts of abnormally thick mucus, especially in the lugs cystic fibrosis
autosomal recessive defect resulting in an error in phenylalnine, mental retardation will result if the condition is not quickly corrected phenylketonuria
developmental defect of the collecting tubules in the cortex of the kidney. pain of colic and lumbar pain, mention seeing blood in urine polycystic kidney disease
inflammation of the bladder cystitis
inflammation of the urethra urethritis
occurance of pain in women during sexual intercourse dyspareunia
inability of a man to achieve or sustain an erection sufficient to complete sexual intercourse erectile dysfunction
may express a loss of sexual desire or report slow sexual arousal. arousal and orgasmic dysfunction in women
expulsion of seminal fluid prior to complete erection of the penis or immediately following the beginning of intercourse premature ejaculation
contagious bacterial infection of the epithelial surfaces of the genitourinary tract in men and women. antibiotics will be given. good prognosis with prompt treatment gonorrhea
highly contagious viral infection of the male and female genitalia. caused by herpes complex genital herpes
circumscribed, elevated skin lesions, usually seen on the external genitalia or near the anus genital warts
highly infectious, chronic sexually transmitted disease characterized by lesions that may involve any organ or tissue syphilis
protozoal infestation of the vagina, urethra, or prostate trichomoniasis
an endocrine deficiency in which any of the hormones produced by the anterior portion of the pituitary gland are secreted at insufficient levels hypopituitarism
undersecretion of hormones bu the thyroid gland hypothyroidism
hyperparathyroidism hypercalcemia
hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands resulting in the excess production of cortisol cushing's syndrome
lordosis swayback
kyphosis humpback;swayback
metabolic bone disease affecting 5 to 10 million americans. idiopathic disease, does not respond well to therapy osteoporosis
there is a destructive mineralization of the bone forming tissue osteomalacia
infection of the one forming tissue osteomyelitis
inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and has the appearance of comedos and papules acne vulgaris
contagious superficial skin infection marked by vesicles orbullae that become pustular impetigo
horny indurations and thickening of the stratum corneum corns
localized hyperplasia of the stratum corneum calluses
lolcalized purulent inflammatory infection of one or more of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid stye(Hordeilum)
clouding of the lens of the eye cataract
accumulating fluid pressure within the eye damages the retina and optic nerve glaucoma
repiratory mycoses affecting the lungs are histoplasmosis, coccidoidomycosis and blastomycosis
signs and symptoms are malaise, diarrhea, nonproductive cough, anorexia and chills legionella infection
the cause of encephalitis is viral
a mass of blood formed between the skull and outer membrane covering the brain is called epidural hematoma
diseases that are classified as pneumoconiosis include berylliosis
myocarditis is caused by bacteria, viruses, and rheumatic fever
the loss of voluntary muscular control and sensation on one side of the body is called hemiplegia
infectious mononucleosis is caused by epstein barr virus
diagnostic procedures for aplastic anemia include red blood cell count, white blood cell count, bone marrow studies
initial symptoms of mononucleosis include malise and chills
intrinsic asthma is most common in adults
can not be prevented and can be chronic cor pumonatle
rheumatic fever tends to be recurrent within 5 years
the cause of migraine headaches is usually caused by blood flow disruption
a person with positive tuberculin reaction are given a year of isoniazid prophylactically
classic symptom of pericarditis is pleuritic pain
congestive heart failure can result in peripheral edema and pulmonary edema
bacterial meningitis causes nuchal rigidity
acute or chronic hyperventilation can cause respiratory alkalosis
radiation exposure can result in lung cancer
a deficiency of dopamine is related to which disease parkinsons disease
little strokes are called transient ishemic attacks
generally originates in the pelvic or deep lower extremity veins, and travels through the circulatory system until it blocks a pulmonary embolism
symptoms of croup include hoarseness, fever, and distinctive hard cough, persistent stridor and respiratory distress
signs and symptoms: weak abd brittle bones, joint pain, and kidney stones hyperparathyroidism
cause of heart murmurs blood leaking back through an incompetent valce, blood forcing its way through a narrow and a rapid diastolic flow
thrombophlebitis caused by infection, trauma, prolonged immobility
occurs in apparently normal and healthy infants, more frequently when infant is sleeping in premature infants, more frequent in male that in female infants and during the winter sudden infant death sydrome
hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex cushings syndrome
three common types of aneurysms are abdominal, aortic and peripheral
life threatening condition caused by occlusion of coronary arteries with subsequent necrosis of heart muscles is called myocardial infarction
complications of myocardial infarction are arrhythmias and congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock and mitral regurgiation, ventricular aneurysms
signs and symptoms; lightheadedness, tinnitus, heart palpitations and tendency to tire easily hypertention
etiologic factors or simple goiter dietary iodine deficiency ingestion of goitrogens inadequate secretion of thyroid hormone
the antibiotic of choice for acute tonsillitis is penicillin
symptoms of pleurisy include sharp stabbing chest pain
causes of myocarditis ca be chronic alcoholism
endocrine disease caused by insufficient secretion of vasopressin and resulting in polydipsia and polyria is diabetes insipidus
pulmonary tuberculosis is more common in elderly people
rheumatic fever is normally found in children and adolescents 5 to 15 years of age
alternative methods of treating headaches include ingestion or garlic and onion
the causes of alzheimers disease may be autoimmune reaction treatment of pernicious anemia include injections of vitamin b12
megaloblasts are found in folic acid deficiency anemia
Created by: bmajjasie
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