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A&P 1 - Final Review
Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots
Term | Definition |
a | without,not,no; apnea |
ab | away from; abduct |
ad | towards; adduct |
alb | white; albino |
ambi | both; ambidextrous |
an | without; anesthesia |
ante | before; antecubital |
auto | self; autograph |
anti | againt; antidote |
bi | two;bicuspid |
bio | life; biology |
brady | slow; bradycardia |
chlor/o | green; chlorophyll |
circum | around; circumcision |
cirrh/o | yellow; cirrhosis |
con | with; congenital |
contra | against; contraindication |
cyan/o | blue; cyanosis |
de | down; descend |
dia | through; diagnosis |
dis | free of; dislocation |
dys | difficult;dyspnea |
ecto | outside; ectopic |
endo | within; endoscope |
eosin/o | red; eosinophil |
epi | over; epigastric |
erythr/o | red;erythrocyte |
ex | outside;exhale |
exo | outside; exogenous |
extra | outside; extrahepatic |
glauc/o | gray; glaucoma |
hemi | half; hemiplegia |
hetero | different; heterogeneous |
homeo | same; homeostasis |
homo | same; homogenesis |
hydro | water; hydrocephalus |
hyp | under;hypoxemia |
hypo | less than; hypoglycemia |
idio | individual;idiosyncrasy |
im | not;impotence |
in | within, not; incompetent |
infra | below; infraorbital |
inter | between; intercostal |
intra | within; intravenous |
jaund/o | yellow; jaundice |
juxta | near; juxta-articular |
leuk/o | white; leukocyte |
melan/o | black; melanoma |
meso | middle; mesoderm |
meta | beyond; metacarpals |
milli | one-thousandth; milliliter |
mono | one; monocyte |
multi | many;multipara |
non | not; noninvasive |
pan | all;pancarditis |
para | beside; paracervical |
per | through;percussion |
peri | around;perianal |
poli/o | gray;poliomyelitis |
poly | many; polyuria |
post | after;postoperative |
pre | before; precordial |
primi | first; primigravida |
pseudo | false;pseudoanorexia |
purpur/o | purple;purpura |
quadri | four;quadriplegia |
re | back;reactive |
retro | behind;retroperitoneal |
rube | red;rubella |
semi | half; semiconscious |
sub | under;subcutaneous |
supra | above;suprapubic |
sym | joined;sympathetic |
syn | together; syndrome |
tachy | fast;tachycardia |
trans | through;transurethral |
tri | three; tricep |
ultra | beyond;ultrasound |
uni | one;uninuclear |
xanth/o | yellow;xanthoderma |
a | noun ending; cyanoderma |
ac | pertaining to; cardiac |
ad | toward;caudad |
al | pertaining to; duodenal |
algesia | sensitivity to pain;analgesia |
algia | pain;myalgia |
ar | pertaining to; ventricular |
ary | pertaining to; pulmonary |
ate | something that; hemolysate |
blast | embryonic stage; leukoblast |
cele | swelling or herniation; cystocele |
centesis | surgical puncture; amniocentesis |
cide | to kill; spermicide |
clasis | crushing; osteoclasis |
cyte | cell; leukocyte |
desis | surgical fusion; arthodesis |
dynia | pain; cephalodynia |
e | noun ending; dermatome |
eal | pertaining to ; esophageal |
ectasia | dilation;gastrectasia |
ectasis | dilation;gastrectasis' |
ectomy | surgical removal; appendectomy |
emia | blood condition;hyperglycemia |
er | one who; radiographer |
esis | condition of; enuresis |
gen | that which generates; glycogen |
genesis | generating; lithogenesis |
genic | pertaining to formation; lithogenic |
gram | record;electrocardiogram |
graph | instrument used to record; electrocariograph |
graphy | process of recording; electrocardiography |
gravida | pregnancy;multigravida |
ia | condition, parapelgia |
ian | specialist in a field; dietician |
iasis | presence of an abnormal condition; cholelithiasis |
iatric | relating to medicine; pediatrics |
iatrician | one who treats; pediatrician |
iatrist | one who treats; psychiatrist |
iatry | medical treatment; psychiatry |
ic | pertaining to; thoracic |
ical | pertaining to ; neurological |
ician | specialist in a field; obstertrician |
ile | pertaining to; febrile |
ion | action;conduction |
ism | condition; hirtuism |
ist | prationer;pharmacist |
itis | inflammation; appendicitis |
ize | to make; anesthetize |
lepsy | seizure; narolepsy |
lith | stome;rhinolith |
lithiasis | presence or formation of stones; cholelithiasis |
logy | the study of;biology |
logist | one who specializes in the study of; biologist |
lysis | destruction;hemolysis |
lytic | destruction; hemolytic |
mania | mental disorder; meglomania |
megaly | enlargement; cardiomegaly |
meter | instrument used to mearsure; audiometer |
metry | the process of measuring; audiometry |
oid | resembling; mucoid |
ole | small; arteriole |
oma | tumor;lipoma |
opia | visual condition;myopia |
opsia | visual condition; hemianopsia |
opsy | process of viewing; biopsy |
ory | pertaining to ; auditory |
osis | condition; cyanosis |
ous | pertaining to; venous |
pathy | disease; adenopathy |
penia | decrease in; leukocytopenia |
pexy | surgical fixation; colpopexy |
philia | attraction to;necrophilia |
phobia | abnormal fear; arachnophobia |
plasia | formation; hyperplasia |
plasty | surgical repair;rhinoplasty |
plegia | paralysis;hemipalagia |
pnea | breathing; dyspnea |
ptosis | drooping or prolapse; colpoptosis |
rrhagia | excessive flow; menorrhagia |
rrhaphy | suturing;nephrorrhaphy |
rrhea | discharge; rhinorrhea |
rrhexis | rupture; arteriorrhexis |
scope | instrument used to view; ophthamoscope |
scopy | the process of viewing with a scope; ophthalmoscopy |
stasis | stopping; hemostasis |
stomy | surgical creation of a new opening; colostomy |
tic | pertaining to; cyanotic |
tion | process of; relaxation |
tomy | incision into; phelbotomy |
tripsy | intentional crushing; lithotripsy |
ula | small;macula |
ule | small one; venule |
um | identifies singular nouns; duodenum |
uria | characteristic of the urine; hematuria |
us | identifies singular noun; coccus |
y | condition; myopathy |
abdomen/o | abdomen |
acr/o | extremity |
aden/o | gland |
alges/o | pain |
cardi/o | heart |
ceohal/o | head |
cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
colp/o | vagina |
cost/o | ribs |
dermat/o | skin |
gastr/o | stomach |
gloss/o | tongue |
gynec/o | woman |
hem/o | blood |
hepat/o | liver |
mamm/o | breast |
my/o | muscle |
myel/o | spinal cord |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/o | nerve |
ophthalm/o | eye |
orch/o | testicle |
oste/o | bones |
pector/o | chest |
ped/o | foot |
phleb/o | vein |
pulmon/o | lungs |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
rhin/o | nose |
stomat/o | mouth |
thorac/o | chest |
throb/o | blood clot |
ur/o | urine |