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Haney MedTerm c18-24

Haney Med Term c18-24

Absence of menstrual flow. amenorrhea
The double layered sac that contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid during pregnancy. amniotic sac
The darker pigmented, circular area surrounding the nipple of each breast; also known as the areola mammae or the areola papillaris. areola
A technique of using the examiner's finger to tap gainst the uterus, through the vagina, to cause the fetus to "bounce" within the amniotic fluid and feeling it rebound quickly. ballottement
Irregular, ineffective contractions of the uterus that occur throughout pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions
The bluish-violet hue of the cervix and vagina after approximately the sixth week of pregnancy. Chadwick's sign
Patches of tan or bown pigmentation associated with pregnancy occuring mostly on the forehead, cheeks, and nose; also called the "mask of pregnancy". chloasma
The outer of the two membrane layers that surround and contain the fetus and the amniotic fluid during pregnancy. chorion
Thinning of the cervix, which allows it to enlarge the diameter of its opening in preparation for childbirth; this occurs during the normal processes of labor. effacement
The name given to the product of conception from the second through the eighth week of pregnancy (through the second month). embryo
A surgical procedure in which an incision is made into the woman's perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for delivery of the baby. This incision is usually made shortly before the baby's birth (second stage of labor) to prevent tearing of the perineum. episiotomy
A special stethoscope for hearing the fetal heartbeat through the mother's abdomen. fetoscope
The name given to the developing baby from approximately the eight week after conception until birth. fetus
The softening of the uterine cervix, a probable sign of pregnancy. Goodell's sign
Hegar's sign Softening of the lower segment of the uterus; a probable sign of pregnancy.
The settling of the fetal head into the pelvis, occurring a few weeks prior to the onset of labor. lightening
A darkened vertical midline appearing on the abdomen of a pregnant woman, extending from the fundus to the symphysis pubis. linea nigra
A position in which the patient lies on her back, buttocks even with the end of the table, with her knees bent backward toward her abdomen and the heel of each foot resting in an elevated foot rest at the end of the examination table. lithotomy position
A woman who has been pregnant more than once. multigravida
A woman who has given birth two or more times after 20 weeks' gestation. multipara
A formula that is used to calculate the date of birht: Subtract 3 months from the first day of the last normal menstrual period and add 7 days to that date to arrive at the estimated date of birth. Nagele's rule
The release of the mature ovum from the ovary; occurs approximately 14 days prior to the beginning of the menses. ovulation
A woman who is pregnant for the first time. primigravida
A woman who has given birth for the first time, after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks' gestation. primipara
The first feeling of movement of the fetus felt by the expectant mother; usually occurs around 18 to 20 weeks' gestation. quickening
Created by: jocasio22
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