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Digestive System

esophagus runs from the pharynx through the diaphragm to the stomach, is about 10 inches long, and is passageway for food
liver the largest gland in the body and has four lobes. It has many metabolic and regulatory roles, but its digestive function is to produce bile
gallbladder a small, thin-walled green sac that stores bile
small intestine the body's major digestive organ and is the longest section of the alimentary tube. Most absorption of nutrients takes place along this organ
duodenum the first section of the small intestine and the smallest section. Bile and other enzymes enter the intestine here
jejunum the middle section of the small intestine where most of the nutrient absorption takes place
ileum the terminal section of the small intestine where it meets the large intestine
anus where the anal canal ends
anal canal contains the external voluntary sphincter that controls opening and closing of the anus
appendix a worm-like extension of the large intestine and is often a site of infection
rectum the final section of the large intestine
sigmoid colon the "s" shaped last part of the large intestine leading into the rectum
cecum sac-like first part of the large intestine
ascending colon the first main part of the large intestine, which passes upward from the cecum on the right side of the abdomen
descending colon the part of the large intestine that passes downward on the left side of the abdomen toward the rectum
transverse colon the middle part of the large intestine, passing across the abdomen from the right to left below the stomach
stomach the "c" shaped organ that acts as a storage tank for food as well as a site for food breakdown
pancreas a soft triangular gland that extends across the abdomen from the spleen to the duodenum that secretes enzymes that will break down all categories of digestible foods
spleen an abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates and forming part of the immune system
pharynx muscular tube extending from the posterior of the nasal cavities to the esophagus
parotid gland salivary glands that lies anterior to the ears
sublingual gland a small salivary gland on each side of the mouth
submandibular gland either of a pair of salivary glands situated below the lower jaw
salivary glands any of various glands that discharge a fluid secretion and especially saliva into the mouth cavity
large intestine digestive organ that has a large diameter and its main function is to absorb water from indigestible food reidue
Created by: kajones97
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