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Excretory Review

Calyx Chambers of the kidney through which urine passes
Podocyte An epithelial cell of the visceral layer of Bowman capsule in the renal corpuscle; believes to play a role in the ultra filtration of blood
Urethra The tubular passage through which urine is discharged from the bladder to the exterior of the body
Reabsorption The act or process of absorbing again, as the absorption by the kidneys of substances that were already secreted into the tubules, such as glucose, proteins, or sodium
Afferent Arteriole A group of blood vessels that supply the nephrons in many excretory systems
Ureter Tubes that carry urine to from kidney to bladder
Urinary Bladder The organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination
Bowman's Capsule A capsule-shaped membranous structure surrounding the glomerulus of each nephron in the kidneys
Efferent Arteriole Carries blood away from the glomerulus
Where is the collecting duct located? Medulla
How many nephrons are in each kidney? 1 million
Example of secretion Saliva
What are the two main functions of the kidney? To excrete waste, maintain water
Nitrogenous The kidney is referred to as an excretory organ because it excretes ____ wastes
Water, Acid-Base It is also a major homeostatic organ because it maintains the electrolyte___ and ___ balance of the blood
Kidneys, Ureters, Peristalsis, Urinary Bladder Urine is continuously formed by the ___ an routed down the ___ by the mechanism of ___ to a storage organ called the ___
Urethra Eventually the urine is conducted to the body exterior by the __
8, 1 1/2 In males, this tube-like structure is about ___ inches long; in females, it is approximately ___ inches long.
What is the purpose of the internal sphincter? Inhibits release of urine
What does convoluted mean? Complex
Glomerulus Step 1 of filtration
Bowmans capsule Step 2 of filtration
Pro Step 3 of filtration
Loop of henle Step 4 of filtration
Distal Step 5 of filtration
Collecting duct Step 6 of filtration
Renal pelvis Step 7 of filtration
Ureter Step 8 of filtration
Bladder Step 9 of filtration
Urethra Step 10 of filtration
Created by: Kface
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