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LCCW PNS Final Exam

PNS Final Exam - accumulative

The primary affferents within peripheral and spinal nerves that transmit tactile sensations are ______ -diameter fibers LARGE
Which of the following receptors is (ARE) responsible for initialing the deep tendon reflex? Muscle Spindle cells
The cell bodies of somatomotor neurons are located in the _____ horns of the spinal cord Ventral
Which of the following describes the function of gamma motor neurons? Innervates interafusal muscle fibers to set the sensitivity of the muscle spindle receptors
Which of the following NMJ disorders involves destruction of receptor sites on the muscle membrane? Myasthenia gravis
The intermediolateral cell column (IML) contains the cell bodies of __________? Pre-ganglionic neurons of the ANS
Compression of the cauda equina may cause loss of ______ innervation of the pelvic organs? Parasympathetic
A warning sign of cauda equina syndrome is_____________ pain, tingling, numbness in the S3, 4, and 5 dermatones
The ganglia of the paravertebral chain contain the cell bodies of __________ neurons Sympathetic post ganglionic
Sympathetic innervation of the upper extremity exits from the ______ levels of the spinal cord T2-8
Disc herniation at which of the following levels would most likely cause a C7 radiculopathy? C6-7
A patient experiencing radicular pain, paresthesia, and numbness in the index and middle finger most likely has ____ radiculopathy C7
Weakness of the wrist extensors results from radiculopathy, which spinal nerve level is most likely compromised? C6
The main spinal nerve innervation of the triceps DTR is considered to be the _____ spinal nerve? C7
The brachial plexus is formed by the ____ primary division of the ______ spinal nerves Anterior , C5-T1
The brachial plexus is subject to compression, as it passes between the ____________ All the above Ant and Med Scaene muscles, Clavicle and 1st rib, AND pec minor and anterior chest wall
The long thracic nerve arises from the __________ C5-C7 spinal nerves
Which of the following peripheral nerves are terminal branches of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus? Axillary and radial
Which of the following peripheral nerves is formed from the joining of contributions from both the lateral and medial cords? Median
Which of the following is the major peripheral nerve innervating sensation and muscle in the posterior aspect of the upper extremity? Radial
Which of the following best describes the distribution of the motor and sensory function of the musculocutaneous nerve? Innervates muscles in the arm and sensation of the forearm
The median nerve transmits sensation from the _________- Hand only.
The median nerve innervates muscle in the ___________- forearm and hand only
Which of the following muscles is innervated by the long thoracic nerve? Ant. Serratus
Which of the following peripheral nerves may be compressed in the triangular interval? Radial
Which peripheral nerve is subject to compression in the supinator muscle? Radial
Which of the following peripheral nerves innervates the forearm pronator muscles? Median
Weakness is noted when your patient attempts to flex their forearm when it is semi-pronated/semi-supinated position, but not in the fully supinated position. Which peripheral nerve is most likely compromised? Radial
Weakness of the hypothenar muscles would result from injury of which of the following peripheral nerves? Ulnar
When your patient's thenar muscles and flexor carpi radialis muscle are weak, the nerve leasion would more likely be in the: Pronator teres muscle
The iliohypograstric, ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves are branches of the _____ plexus Lumbar
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a branch of the ______ plexus Lumbar
The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve is a branch of the ________ plexus Sacral
Which of the following peripheral nerves are formed by contributions from the L2-4 spinal nerves? Femoral and Tibial
Which is true regarding the obtorator nerve? Innervates muscles and sensation in the thigh
The condition "meralgia patesthetica" involves compression of the ______ nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Which of the folllowing peripheral nerves would most likely be subject to potential compression by the piriformis muscle? Sciatic
Which of the following comes from the cervical plexus? SupraCLAVICULAR nerve
The spinal nerve origin of the phrenic nerve is? C3,4,5
Which of the following are cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus? ALL OF THE ABOVE greater auricular, transverse cervical, and lesser occipital
The infrahyoid muscles are innervated by: Branches of the ansa cervicalis
The descendens hypoglossi and descendens cervicalis are: Portions of the ansa cervicalis
A patient presents with radicular pain and rash that cirlces around left side of their torsi by umbilicus. Which spinal nerve is most likely compromised? T10
The intercostal nerves come from the _______ primary rami of thoracic spinal nerves anterior
Herpes zoster most commonly affects ____ spinal nerves Thoracic
The sympathetic innervation of the lower extremity originates from the ____ spinal cord levels? Lower thoracic and Upper lumbar
Sympathetic innervation of the head and face would cause the pupils to become abnormally ____________ constricted
The celiac ganglion is: A ganglion in front of the spinal column in the abdominal cavity
The greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves contain axons of __________ sympathetic nerurons Preganglionic
Which of the following CN contain parasympathetic fibers as they exit the brainstem? CN 3, 7, 9 and 10
Which of the following visual field deficits would most likely result from a lesion of the netro-chiasmal portion of the visual pathway on the right? Right homonymous hemianopia
loss of facial sensation would most likely occur due to CN ______ lesion 5
which of the following pupillary reflex abnormalities would most likely result from a right CN 3 lesion? Light shined in R eye: no direct reflex observed, but normal indict reflex observed. Light shined in L eye: normal direct reflex observed, no indirect reflex observed.
Which of the following pairs of muscles are primarily involved in looking up to the left? Left superior rectus and right inferior oblique
When your patient attempts to look down toward the right, movement of the left eye is noted to be weak. leasion of which of the following brainstem nuclei would most likely be responsible for the patients left eye weakness? Right trochlear nucleus
In which of the following directions of gaze would a patient with a left abducens nerve injury most likey experience diplopia? Looking toward the left
The afferent limb of the corneal reflex is CN ______ 5
The efferent limb of the corneal reflex is CN _______- 7
Which of the following thalmic nuclei is the AUDITORY relay nucleus? Medial Geniculate M = muscic
Which of the following thalmic nuclei is the VISUAL relay nucleus? Lateral geniculate L = light
Drooping of the upper eyelid would most likely result from lesion of which of the following cranial nerves? CN 3
Which of the following is a function of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus? Movements of the eye
When herpes zoster affects the trigeminal nerve, the _____ distribution is/are most commonly affected? V1
Which of the following CN innervates both salivation and lacrimation? CN 7
When a patient has facial weakness involving entire RIGHT side of their face, they would most likely have a lesion involving which of the following? Left facial nerve
When the tongue is protruded it will deviate ____ the side of CN XII lesion TOWARD
The uvula will diviate _____ the side of CN XII lesion AWAY FROM
Function of CN I: Olfaction
Function of CN II Vision AFFERENT limb of light reflex
Function of CN III: Extraocular movement (inf oblique, inf/med/sup rectus) Elevation of the upper eyelid (levator palpebra) Parasympathetics to the pupilloconstrictors and ciliary muscles of the lens for near vision
Function of CN IV: Extraocular movement (superior oblique)
Function of CN V: Facial sensation (all divisions) muscles of mastication (V3) corneal reflex (AFFERENT limb) Jaw jerk reflex
Function of CN VI: extraocular movement (lateral rectus)
Function of CN VII: Muscles of facial expression taste from ANTERIOR 2/3 of tongue Corneal reflex (EFFERENT limb) Parasympathetics to LACRIMAL glands, sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
what CN has the AFFERENT LIMB of the light reflex? CN II (2)
What CN has the AFFERENT limb of the corneal reflex? CN V (5)
What CN has the EFFERENT limb of the corneal reflex? CN VII (7)
What CN has the AFFERENT limb of the carotid sinus reflex? CN IX (9)
What CN has the EFFERENT limb of the carotid sinus reflex? CN X (10)
Function of CN VIII: Hearing vestibular (balance and coordination of head and eyes)
Function of CN IX: Taste posterior 1/3 of tongue carotid sinus reflex (AFFERENT limb)
Bell's Palsy? Facial weakness on the entire side IPSILATERALLY, Involves the FACIAL nerve Involves LMN
Function of CN X: Soft plate larynx parasympathetic innervation to the heart, lungs most of the GI (not distal) Carotid Sinus Reflex (EFFERENT limb)
Function of CN XI: SCM and upper traps
Function of CN XII: Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Where does the Axillary nerve originate from? The posterior cord
The axillary nerve innervates what muscles? Teres minor and Deltoid
The axillary nerve provides sensory to what part of the arm? The lateral proximal arm
The musculocutaneous nerve originates from? The LATERAL cord
The musculocutaneous nerve MOTOR innervates what muscles? Corocobrachialis, biceps bracii, brachialis
The musculocutaneous nerve SERNSORY innervates what part of the arm? The lateral forearm
The Radial nerve originates from? The POSTERIOR cord
The radial nerve MOTOR innervates what muscles? The Triceps, Brachioradialis, and many other posterior arm muscles (extensors mm)
The median nerve originates from what? The lateral AND medial cords
The median nerve innervates what muscles (motor)? Pronators (teres and quardratus), wrist flexors, finger flexors, THENAR muscles, lumbricals, "pollicis" muscles
Created by: walkingbyfaith09
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