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anatomy and physiology of the skin

epidermis is the outer most layer and is an organ consisting of primarily epithelial cells. the tissue is known as epithelial tissue or epithelium.
covers the body and lines the body cavities and covers the organs. Epidermis
melanocytes specialized cells responsible for skin color
melanin a pigment produced by melanocytes. the more melanin the darker the skin
keratinocytes specialized cells produce keratin
keratin a protein produced by keratinocytes, that infiltrates the outer most layer of the epithelial cells and makes them tough, waterproof, and resistant to bacteria.
keratinized cells are cells filled with keratin
basal cell deepest layer where cells are constantly being produced
soles of feet and palms of hands 5 layers of skin
stratum corneum aka horny layer, most superficial layer constantly being shed
epithelial cells epithelial tissue or epithelium
avascular no vessels
5 layers of skin stratum corneum, lucidum (palms and feet) granulasum, spinosum, basal cell
dermis is connective tissue containing hair follicles, blood vessels, nerves, and glands. it consists of fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and plasma cells, it controls inner body temperature through thermoregulation and has sensory receptors
skin consists of epidermis and dermis
fibroblast produce collagen and elastin
collagen makes skin tough and durable
elastin allows tissue to stretch and recoil
macrophages engulf bacteria
mast cells produce histamine
plasma cells produce antibodies
subcutaneous tissue is under the dermis, is not part of the skin, attaches skin to muscle, contains fatty tissues and insulates the body
hair follicle tube like depression form which grows hair. hair grows from the root out
papilla contains blood vessels to nourish hair and promote growth
shaft consist of keratinized cells
Hair formed in a hair follicle, the shaft of the hair consists of keratinized cells
nail, cuticle both consist of keratinized epithelial cells
lanula moon like shape on nail forms new cells
eponychium cuticle, overlaps onto the nail
nailbed underlies the nail
sebaceous glands secrete sebum(oil) which keeps skin and hair soft and skin waterproof
suderiferous glands sweat glands
ceruminous glands produce cerumen- earwax -helps prevent bacterial infections
melanoma cancer of melanocytes
carcinomas cancer of the epithelial cells
debridement removal of dead skin
albinism lack of pigment in skin, hair and eyes
adopose pertaining to fat
biopsy to view living tissue for examination
cyanotic pertaining to bluish discoloration of the skin
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
diaphoresis state of profuse sweating; hyperhidrosis
epithelium structure made up of epithelial cells covering the internal and external surfaces of the body
epithelial pertaining to epithelium
erythematous pertaining to redness of the skin
erythema red discoloration to the skin
anhidrosis lack of sweat
hyperhidrosis excessive secretion of sweat; diaphoresis
hyperkeratosis excessive growth of the outer layer of skin(hornlike layer)
keratinocyte cell that produces keratin(protein-waterproof)
lipoma tumor containing fat
melanocyte cell that produces melanin(melan/o=black)
kerat/o;keratin/o hard; hornlike
dermatomycosis fungal infection of the skin
necr/o death
onychomycosis fungal infection of the nail
paronychia inflammation of the tissue around the nail
py/o pus
ras/o scrape
rhytid/o wrinkle
rhytidectomy removal of wrinkles; facelift
seb/o sebum;oil
steat/o fat
ungu/o nail
periungal pertaining to around the nail
epidermis above the dermis
erythroderma redness of the skin
leukoderma lack of pigment in the skin
pyroderma any pus producing disease of the skin
scleroderma abnormal thickening of the skin
xeroderma chronic dry skin
adenoma tumor of a gland
carcinoma malignant tumor of the epithelial cells
carcin/o cancerous
hemangioma benign tumor of the blood cells
oma tumor
melanoma usually malignant tumor rising from the melanocytes
papilloma benign epithelial tumor
papill nipple-like
bx biopsy
sc;subcut;subq subcutaneous
uv ultra violet
Created by: ntkksh
Popular Anatomy sets




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