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Lymphatic System

Thymus Atrophies after puberty
Right lymphatic duct Short tube that receives purified lymph from the right side of the head, neck, chest, and arm
Lingual tonsils Masses of lymph tissue on the back of the tongue
Lymphatic capillary Small, open-ended lymph vessels
Lacteal Special lymphatic capillary that picks up digested fats
Lymph node Popularly called lymph glands
Lymph Thin, watery fluid composed of intercellular fluid
Spleen Organ on left side dorsal to the stomach
Pharyngeal tonsils Commonly called adenoids
Cisterna chyli Pouchlike structure at the start of the thoracic duct
Lymphatic vessel Contain valves to keep lymph flowing in one direction Skeletal muscle contractions against lymph vessels cause lymph to flow through the vessels
Palatine tonsils Located on each side of the soft palate
Thoracic duct Empties lymph from most of the body into the L subclavian vein
Chyle Lymph mixed with lipids
Spleen Produces WBCs & antibodies
Spleen Destroys thrombocytes & old RBCs
Spleen Stores RBCs to release into bloodstream if excessive bleeding occurs
Spleen Filters metabolites & wastes from body tissues
Thymus Mass of lymph tissue in the center of the upper chest that produces antibodies & lymphocytes to fight infection
Adenitis Inflammation or infection of the lymph nodes caused when large amount of harmful substances enter the lymph nodes and infect them
Hodgkin's Disease Chronic, malignant disease of lymph nodes, most common form of lymphoma (tumor of lymph tissue)
Lymphangitis Inflammation of lymphatic vessels that usually results from infection in extremity
Splenomegaly Enlargement of spleen that results from abnormal accumulation of RBCs, mononucleosis, cirrhosis of the liver
Tonsillitis Inflammation or infection of tonsils-usually pharyngeal & palatine tonsils
Inflammatory response Immune response that occurs when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, heat, or any other cause
Passive immunity Immunity due to antibodies that are produced in a body other than your own (antibodies that are transferred through the placenta)
Innate immunity Defense system with which you were born (cough reflex, stomach acid, skin)
Acquired immunity Immunity that develops with exposure to various antigens
Immunization Small doses of an antigen, such as dead or weakened live viruses, are given to activate immune system
Signs/Symptoms of adenitis fever, swollen & painful nodes which if not treated can form an abscess
Treatment of adenitis antibiotics & warm, moist compresses; Incision & Drainage for abscess
Signs/Symptoms of Hodgkin's disease painless swelling of nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, pruritus
Treatment of Hodgkin's disease chemotherapy, radiation
Signs/Symptoms of lymphangitis red streak extending up an UE or LE from the source of infxn; fever, chills, tenderness
Treatment of lymphangitis antibiotics, rest, elevation of affected part; warm, moist compresses
Signs/Symptoms of splenomegaly swelling, abd pain, ruptured spleen,increased destruction of RBCs leads to anemia, leukopenia, & thrombocytopenia; shock and death if spleen ruptures and casues intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Treatment of splenomegaly severe cases where cause cannot be treated splenectomy is done; avoid contact sports or activities while spleen is enlarged
Signs/Symptoms of tonsillitis throat pain, dysphagia, fever, white or yellow spots of exudate on tonsils, swollen nodes near mandible
Treatment of tonsillitis antibiotics, warm throat irrigations, rest, analgesics; tonsillectomy for chronic or frequent cases
Created by: AshleyBerryhill
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