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Chapter 14

Gastrointestinal Evaluations And Procedures READY

One who specializes in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders? Gastroenterologist
One who specializes in the treatment of disorders of the lower bowel or colon? Proctologist
One who specializes in diagnosing and treating liver disease? Hepatologist
One who counsels patients on dietary intake? Dietician
Exams in the family or general practice office may include? External examination of the abdomen; possible exam of the anus and rectum; referring patient to a hospital or X-ray facility for further testing.
3 general categories of abdominal pain Visceral pain; Parietal pain; Referred pain
Visceral pain Caused by forceful contraction or distention of the hollow organs of the GI tract; Described as burning, cramping, gnawing, or aching
Parietal pain Cause by inflammation and aggravated movement; Described as constant and severe
Referred pain Pain felt at a site away from the actual pain site; may radiate or travel
Instruments used for rectal exams and fecal testing? Anoscope and proctoscope
What is used to examine the anus? Anoscope
What is used to examine BOTH the anus and the rectum? Proctoscope
Positions used for rectal exams? Sim's or left lateral; Lithotomy; standing position where Pt. is bent over the exam table
Fecal specimens obtained during exam is generally tested for? Hidden Blood
Hidden blood in stool is also known as ______ blood? Occult
Other Testing done for stool samples are? Stool Culture, Clostridium difficile (aka C Diff), Ova and Parasites ( O&P )
A test for various types of bacteria or other microorganisms? Stool Culture
A microbe that eradicates a patients normal flora, causing pseudomembranous colitis and uncotrollable diarrhea? C Diff
What test is performed to identify intestinal parasites and their eggs or cysts in patienrs with symptoms of GI infection? O&P
What are the four common GI diagnostic procedures? Sigmoidoscopy, capsule endoscopy, 24 hour ph monitoring, and hydrogen breath test
What are the 5 Diagnostic Procedures that require patient education? Colonoscopy, EGD, ERCP, Enteroscopy, Endoscopic Ultrsound
What is the purpose for a Screening Colonoscopy? To find polyps and cancers before symptoms are evident.
What are the potential risk factors associated with colorectal cancer? Family history of colorectal cancer; Ethnicity - Eastern European Jewish people have a higher incidence; Personal History of colorectal cancer; History of intestinal polyps
What is a Colonoscope? A flexible lighted scope with a camera inserted into the rectum that is attached to a video display and allows the physician to view the lining of the colon
What is a polyp? An abnormal growth extending from the interior of the colon
What are the patient prep instructions for a Screening Colonoscopy? Only ingest clear liquids, no dairy or alcohol 1 day prior to exam, take laxatives as directed, avoid anything with aspirin 5 days prior to exam.
PART 2. what are the patient prep instructions for a screening Colonoscopy? No blood thinners for a predetermined number of days prior to exam, Discontinue iron preparations for the prescribed time prior to test, avoid foods with seeds or nuts, Patient is to be NPO after midnight prior to test.
What is the medical assistant responsible for? medical assistants should obtain preauthorization from insurance company, send pertinent records to insurance company and dietician, and scheduling the appointment for the patient.
What are the 4 eating disorders? Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa, Compulsive Overeating, and Night Eating Syndrome.
What is Anorexia? Reduction of food intake, weight gain is perceived negatively, primarily seen in adolescents but also occurs in adults, medical and psychological support is needed for treatment.
What is Bulimia Nervosa? Pt. displays patterns of binging and purging. Purge may include vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, and excessive exercising.
What is Compulsive Overeating? Excessive eating followed by depression related to food. Eating pattern used to relieve stress or depression.
What is Night Eating Syndrome? Late night binging causing the person to not be hungry in the morning hours.
Created by: izzy10123
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