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Ch. 42

hematology and coagulation procedures

anemia condition marked by a decrease in the number of RBC or the amount of hemoglobin
coagulation subsection of the hematology department within the clinical lab
fibrinolysis break down of a fribrin clot
hematology study of blood and blood forming tissues
hemoglobin iron containing protien found in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs
hematocrit volume of packed red blood cells
hematopoiesis process of blood formation
hemostasis blood clotting process
leukocytosis abnormal increase in circulating white blood cells
leukemia marked increased in the number of abnormal or immature white blood cells in bone marrow and circulating blood
leukopenia abnormal decrease in circulatory white blood cells
macrophage type of wbc that destroys cellular debris and foreign invaders within tissues and organs
phagocytosis when phagocytes engulf and destroy microorganisms, foreign antigens, and cellular debris
plasma liquid part of blood that contains clotting factors
polycythemia abnormal increase in the amount of red blood cells
prothrombin time blood test that determines the amount of time it takes for blood to clot and that monitors warfarin therapy
serum liquid portion of blood that doesn't contain cells or clotting factors
thrombocytopenia abnormal decrease in platelets
whole blood mixture of blood cells and plasma
describe red blood cells and their function in the body contain hemoglobin which is responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide
describe white blood cells and their function in the body white blood cells are responsible for fighting off infections
what are the 3 different kinds of granulocytes neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
neutrophils most numerous WBC and are responsible for phagocytosis of pathogens. they are purple in color and contain a segmented nucleus. normal range is 40%-60%
eosinophils release histamine and are also phagocytic. granules are bright orange-pink in color. normal range is 0%-4%
basophils least common WBC, release histamine and are phagocytic. they release heparin to prevent abnormal blood clotting granules are very dark blue-purple in color. normal range is 0%-1%
types of agranulocytes lymphocytes and monocytes
lymphocytes responsible for producing antibodies, includes B-cell and T-cell. they have a large round blueish-purple nucleus that takes up entire cell. normal range is 20%-40%
monocytes largest circulating WBC, responsible for phagocytosis, its a large cell that contains vacuoles and has a large blue, slightly indented nucleus. normal range is 3%-8%
platelets small irregularly shaped disks that are fragments of a larger cell called a megakaryocyte. they are responsible for clotting and all stages of the coagulation process
what are the components of a CBC WBC count, RBC count, Hgb, HCT, blood cell indices, platelet count, differential count
Hemoglobin test measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBCs
blood cell indices provides additional info on RBCs including MCH, MCHC, MCV, and RDW
differential count measures the percentage of different types of WBCs and evaluates the size, shape, and appearance of RBC, WBC, and platelets
mean corpuscular hemoglobin measures average amount of hemoglobin in RBCs
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration measures the concentration of hemoglobin in the average RBC and compares it with the size of the cell
mean corpuscular volume measures the size of RBCs
red cell distribution width measures the variations in size of RBCs
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV mean corpuscular volume
RDW red cell distribution width
what are the critical values of a CBC if WBC count is lower than 4.0 or higher than 13.0; hemoglobin levels below 11g/dl or hematocrit above 35%
what is the purpose of an erythrocyte sedimentation rate used as a screening test to determine nonspecific inflammation
what is the purpose of an reticulocyte count evaluates the ability of the bone marrow to produce and release red blood cells into the bloodstream and if abnormally increased could indicate conditions as hemolytic anemia or a problem with the bone marrow
international normalized ratio provides uniform prothrombin time results for physicians in all parts of the country as recommended by the world health organization
activated partial thromboplastin time evaluates the intrinsic system of coagulation cascades, monitors heparin therapy, and if prolonged, may indicate disseminated intravascular coagulation , hemophilia, or cirrhosis
bleeding time evaluates the function of platelets and if increased may indicate decreased levels of platelets or decreased platelet function
thrombin time determines if adequate fibrinogen is present for normal coagulation and if prolonged may indicate the presence of fibrin degeneration products or an increased level of heparin
fibrin degeneration product measures body's clot dissolving system and, if increased, may indicate disseminated intravascular coagulation, primary fibrinolysis, or pulmonary embolus
d-dimer measures abnormal clotting and fibrinolysis and if increased, may indicate deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, DIC, or myocardial infarction
fibrinogen determines the amount of fibrinogen in plasma and indicates the body's clotting ability and clotting activity in the body
disseminated intravascular coagulation a severe blood disorder caused by certain cancers, septicemia, blood transfusion reaction, and complications of pregnancy as eclampsia, and abruptio placenta & in which a person's blood coagulates throughout the body= blood clots, severe bleeding & death
thrombophilic disorder inherited disease in which a person is at risk of developing or has developed thrombosis or blood clots that can occur in veins and arteries and cause strokes and heart attack
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
FDP fibrin degeneration product
TT thrombin time
BT bleeding time
APTT or PTT activated partial thromboplastin time
INR international normalized ratio
Created by: rewebb
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