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Head Neck Auto

WVSOM -- Gross Anatomy -- Head and Neck Autonomics

Describe the parasympathetic pathways associated with CN III thru the ciliary ganglion pathway. CN III Nucleus > CN III > Cilary Ganglion (synapses) > short ciliary nerves (V1)
Where are the presynaptic neurons in the cilary ganglion pathway? CN III nucleus
Where are the presynaptic neurons in the ciliary ganglion pathway CNIII
Where are post synaptic axons in the ciliary ganglion pathway? short ciliary nerves
What end organs do the Ciliary Ganglion Pathway synpase on? Sphincter papillae muscle and ciliary body
What is the function of the parasympathetics on the sphincter papillae muscle? papillary constriction
What is the parasympathetic effect on the ciliary body? accommodation
Describe the Pterygopalatine Ganglion Pathway CN VII Nucleus > CN VII > Nervus Intermedius/Greater petrosal nerve/Nerve of the pterygoid canal > pterygopalatine ganglion > trigeminal branches
Where are the presynaptic axons of the ptherygopalatine ganglion pathway? CN VII?nervus Intermedius/greater petrosal nerve/nerve of the pterygoid canal
Where do the presynaptic axons synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion pathway? ptherygopalatine ganglion
Where are the post synaptic axons of the pterygopalatine ganglion pathway? trigeminal branches
What are the end organs of the pterygopalatine ganglion pathway? lacrima gland and mucous glands/membranes
Describe the submandibular ganglion pathway CNVII Nucleus > CN VII/nervus intermedius/chorda tympanti/lingual nerve > submandibular ganglion > bloodvessels/trigeminal branches
What are the end organs in the submandibular ganglion pathway? sumbandibular gland sublingal gland
Where do presynaptic axons synapse in the submandibular ganglion pathway? submandibular ganglion
Describe the Otic Ganglion Pathway CN IX nucleus > CN IX/tympanic nerve/ lesser petrosal nerve > otic ganglion > auriculotemportal nerve
What is the auriculotemporal nerve a branch of? V3
Where do presynaptic axons synapse in the otic ganglion pathway? otic ganglion
What does the otic ganglion pathway innervate? parotid gland
Describe the pathway of the sympathetic Pathways of the head. IML (T1-T5) > ventral roots > rami > white rami communicans > sympathetic chain > presynaptic axons > superior cervical ganglion > Periarterial Plexus/CN V > end organs
What are the end organs of the sympathetic pathways of the head? dilator pupillae m, superior tarsal m, blood vessels, sweat glands
Describe the sympathetic pathways of the neck. IML (T1-T5)> ventral roots > rami > white rami communicans > sympathetic chain > cercial sympathetic ganglia > grey rami communicans/spinal nerves
Where do the presynaptic sympathetic neck pathways synapse? cervical sympathetic ganglion
Where do the presynaptic sympathetic head pathways synpase superior cervical ganglion
What is the function of the sympathetics to the neck? blood vessel vasoconstriction and sweat gland diaphoresis
What are the parasympathetic relationships to the trigeminal nerve from the ciliary ganglion? short ciliary nerves (V1)
What are the parasympathetic relationships to the trigeminal nerve from the pterygopalatine ganglion? zygomatic nerve (V2) Lacrimal Nerve (V1) Palatine Nerves (V2) Nasal Nerves (V1 and V2)
What are the parasympathetic relationships to the trigeminal nerve from the submandibular ganglion to the trigeminal nerve? lingual nerve (v3)
What are the parasympathetic relationships to the trigeminal nerve from the otic ganglion? auriculotemporal nerve (V3)
What are the sympathetic relationships to the trigeminal nerve from the superior cervical ganglion/periarterial plexus? opthalmic, maxillary and mandibular nerve branches
What is the parasympathetic innervation of the orbit? CN III/ciliary ganglion innervates sphincter papillae m, puillary constriction and ciliary body for accomodation. CN VII/pterygopalatine ganglion innervates the lacrimal gland and lacrimation
What is the result of sympathetic innervation to the orbit? blood vessels, vasoconstriction, dilator pupillae, pupillary dilation and superior tarsal muscle
What does parasympathetic innervation of the nasal cavity result in? mucous produciton from the mucus membranes
What parasympathetics innervate the nasal cavity? CN VII/Pterygopalatine ganglion
What parasympathetic pathway innervates the parotid gland? CN IX/Otic Ganglion Pathway
What causes Horner's syndrome? lesion of the sympathetic pathway to the head.
What are the symptoms of horner's syndrome? Ipsilateral vasodilation, miosis, ptosis and anidrosis
Created by: tjamrose
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