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3rd Six Weeks CBA Rv

Students to practice for test

Bill of Rights Anti-Federalists wanted this for the Constitution. List of individual rights and liberties.
Grievances Another word for complaints and listed in the Dec. of Independence.
Power One of the 27 grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence that the King of England had.
Individual Rights Basic freedoms and rights of all citizens are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights
Federalism Power is divided between the national government and state governments
limited government The Constitution specifically lists powers that the government can and cannot do.
Seperation of powers Each branch of government has its own authority (responsibilities they are in charge of)
Republicanism People elect their representatives through voting
Checks and Balances Each branch of government holds some control over the other 2 branches.
Popular Sovereignty People are the source of the government's power.
3 Branches of Government Legislative, Executive, Judicial
10th Amendment This amendment shows an example of Federalism (balance between federal and state powers).
Two-Thirds The fraction it takes to propose an amendment.
Three-Fourths The fraction it takes to ratify or accept an amendment.
President Washington First president whose policy was to "remain neutral" when dealing with foreign countries.
Federalists One of the first two political parties, wanted a strong, central government. John Adams and Alexander Hamilton
Democratic-Republicans One of the first two political parties, wanted individual rights and stronger states government. Leader is Thomas Jefferson.
Louisiana Purchase Purchased by Thomas Jefferson from France for $15 Mill.
Era of Good Feelings During Monroe's Presidency, a period of good economics and people moving out West.
Monroe Doctrine The President told European countries that they could no longer colonize in North or South America.
Marbury vs. Madison This court case established judicial review and included John Marshall in the ruling
Judicial Review When the Supreme Court has the ability to decide if a law is Constitutional or not.
Precedent An event/action that's considered as a guide to be followed. Usually the first time to be done.
Created by: MrJamesIMMS
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