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CP1 final

what are the five main types of pathogens? bacteria, rickettsia, virus, fungus, protozoa
what is the average pulse range in adults? 60-80 bpm
what is the average blood pressure of an adult 120/80
what is the average body temp 98.6 but can range from 97.5 and 99.5
what are the common pulse points temporal, carotid, brachial, radial, apical, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibials
what is the normal respiratory rate for adults 12-20 breaths per minute
what is considered hypertension readings above 140/90
Phase I sharp tapping
Phase II swishing or murmuring
Phase III louder, crisper tapping
Phase IV softer, fainter, more muffled
Phase V No sound
what are postural vital signs vital signs that test for orthostatic hypotension. must check pulse and blood pressure in 2 or 3 positions (suspine, sitting, and standing) must leave blood pressure cuff in place.
what is the dorsal recumbent position position in which the patient is lying flat with the knees bent and feet on the examination table
what is fowler position position in which the patient sits with his head as close to 90 degrees as possible and his legs resting outstretched on the exam table
what is the jack-knife position position in which the patient sits on a special table in a semi-sitting position with the thighs flexed to 90 degrees
what is the knee-chest position position in which the patient sits on her knees with her chest and face and arms resting forward and her buttocks in the air
lithotomy position position in which the patient reclines face up with legs apart and feet in stirrups
semi-fowler position position in which the patient reclines at 45 degrees with legs outstretched
sims position position in which the patient lies on his left side with his upper arm forward on the table, lower leg flexed slightly and upper leg flexed sharply
supine position position in which the patient is lying flat face up toward the ceiling
trendelenburg position position in which the patient lies with her head approximately 30 degrees lower than her outstretched legs and feet
what is the formula to convert lbs to kg lb/2.2=kg
bandage non sterile material applied over the top of dressings to secure them
dressing material placed in or on a wound
approximation bringing wound edges together closely and evenly
dysplasia abnormal development
attention deficit disorder behavior marked by inability to focus attention or engage in quiet activities
attention deficit hyperactive disorder behavior marked by inability to focus attention or engage in quiet activities and uncontrolled compulsive disorder
cerebral palsy disorder characterized by muscle weakness, loss of control, spastic muscle; due to birth defects or infection acquired soon after
down syndrome mild to moderate mental retardation and physical characteristics due to three copies of chromosome 21
failure to thrive health status assigned to infants with insufficient weight gain
obesity body weight that is 20% or more over the patient's ideal weight
otitis media presence of infectious fluid in the middle ear
pediculosis parasitic skin disorder caused by lice
scoliosis lateral curve of the spine
stridor shrill harsh respiratory sound heard during inhalation or in the presence of obstruction to the larynx
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils, usually due to a viral infection
AGA appropriate for gestational age
APGAR activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, respiration
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
normal respiratory rate for neonates and infants 30-60 breaths per minute
respiratory rate for children 1-7 18-30 breaths per minute
respiratory rate for children 8-18 and adults 12-20
normal heart rate for neonates 130-160 beats/minute
normal heart rate for infants 110-130 beats/minute
normal heart rate for children 1-7 80-120 beats/minute
normal heart rate for children 7-18 80-90/ minute
normal bp <1 yr 95/70
normal bp for toddler to school aged children 100/70
normal bp for children ages 6-13 110/74
normal bp for children 14-18 120/76
active natural immunity when the body is exposed to a pathogenic organism.
active artificial immunity when a pathogen is introduced to the body on purpose in the form of a vaccine
passive natural immunity already formed antigens are passed from mom to fetus
passive artificial immunity when antibodies are developed in an animal or in another human and are then injected into an individual who has experienced a know exposure
example of bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus infection
example of rickettsia typhus and rocky spotted fever
example of a virus rhino virus
example of a fungus tinea infections (athletes foot) and candidiasis (yeast infection)
example of protozoa malaria, giardia, and trichomoniasis
what is part of surgical asepsis sterile technique, surgical scrub, sterile field,and sterile gloves
what are some different types of skin allergy tests scratch test, intradermal test, patch test, radioallergosorbent test
Created by: rewebb
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