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callus thicker epidermis on the palms and soles
paronychia hangnail around fingernail
eczema atopic dermatitis
pilomotor smooth muscle attached to each hair follicle
apocrine sweat gland activated by sweat and emotion
epidermal cells have been converted to keratin on the nails
sweat glands helps maintain hemeostasis of fluids and electrolytes and body temp
ceruminious gland sweat gland located in the external ear
hair follicle is the cavity that contains the hair
epithelial tissue keratin is a tough protein substance in this tissue
hair protects the eyes, ears by keeping out the dust and insects
sodoriferous sweat glands
mitosis takes place in nail root,hair root, stratum germinativum
elastin fibers are able to recoil after being stretched
cerumen wax like soft brown secretion found in the external canal of the ear
sweat gland location palms, soles, axillae
grey lost pigmentation in hair
reticular layer network of interlacing cells and fibers
3000 how many sweat glands in a sq. inch
arterioles small arteries responsible in maintaining of body temp
superficial fascia subcutaneous tissue
keratinocytes abundant cells with no capillaries present between them
half an inch hair grows about how much a month
false the greater the deposits of melanin the lighter the skin
subungual area situated under the nail
papillary layer uneven junction of the dermis with the epidermis
hair shaft the only visable part of the hair
cutaneous membrane the largest organ of the body
sebaceous glands keeps hair supple and skin soft and pliant
superficial fascia subcutaneous tissue
collagen fibers the protien that gives the dermis its stregth
fibroblast cells that produce collagen and elastin
free nerve endings pain heat and cold receptors
encapsulated neve endings receptors for touch and preasure
stratum corneum/ epidermis nonvascular nonsenstive,outer layer of skin
reticular layer layer that is vascular and sensitive
dermatology study of the skin,it structure,andfunctions,diseases
lumen space within a tube ,artery,vein,intestine
4 layers, 5 layers layers of skin, except on feet and palms
papillary layer creates footprints and fingerprints
hair follicle a boil or furruncle is an infection of the
statum lucidem translucent/clear layer in soles and palms
st. spinosum prickly cell layer of irregulary shaped cells
st.germinative basal layer, bottom layer wher columar shaped cells under go mitosis pushing old cells upward
st.corneum top layer where dead cells conformed into keratin flake off
st. granulosum granular layer wherecells die and granules are present in the cytoplasm
papillary and reticular 2 layers of dermis
papillary layer elevated into tiny projections and hollows
integument somthing that covers or encloses as an enveloping layer of skin or membrane
Created by: boggia
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