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SAT Vocab

ambivalence Noun; The simultaneous existence of conflicting feelings or thoughts, such as love and hate, about a person an object, or an idea. Uncertainty
avail Noun; To be of use or advantage to; help intrans.verb; To be of use, value, or advantage; serve
equivalent Adj; Equal in quantity, force, meaning, or value. Having similar or identical functions or effects. Practically equal
evaluation Noun; The act of judging the value or worth of. The result of evaluating; a judgment or appraisal.
evince Trans Verb; To show or evhibit, as an emotion. To demonstrate clearly or convincingly; make evident.
invalid Adj; Of inestimable use or help; indispensable. Having great value; priceless.
prevail Intrans. Verb; To be greater in strength or influence; triumph. To be or become effective. To be most common or frequent; be predominant.
valedictory Adj; Bidding farewell. NOUN a farewell address.
vanquish Trans. Verb; To defeat in a battle, conflict. or competition. to overcome or subdue, as an emotion; suppress.
abound Intrans. verb; to be great in number or amount. to be fully supplied or filled; teem.
amplitude noun; Greatness of size; magniude. Fullness
augment Trans. verb; To make greater. as in size extent, or quantity; increase. In music, to increase (an interval) by a half tone. Intrans verb; To become greater; enlarge.
brevity Noun; Briefness of duration. Concise expression; teresness.
commensurate Adj; Of the same size, extent, or duration. Corresponding in size or degree; proportionate
diminsh Transverb; to make smaller or less or cause to appear smaller or less. To detract from the authority. rank. or prestige of. In music, to reduce (an intreval) by a half tone. Intrans verb to become smaller or less
infinitesimal Adj; Immeasurably or incalculably tiny
modicum noun; a small amount or quantity
prodigious Adj; Impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous. extradordinary; marvelous
quota noun; a proportional share assigned to a group or a member of a group; allotment. a maximum or fixed number or amount.
abdicate Trans.verb To relinquish formally. Intrans verb To relinquish high office or responsiblity
abnegate trans. verb to deny to oneself; renounce
absolve trans. verb; to pronounce clear of blame or guilt. to relieve from obligation. to pardon(a sin)
catharsis noun; a ourifying or figurative cleansing or release of tension
countermand trans. verb; to cancel or reverse. to recall by contrary order. noun; an order or command reversing anouther
recant Trans. verb; To make a formal retraction or disavowal of (a statement or previously held belief). intans. verb; to make a formal retraction or disavowal of a previously held belief.
recoup trans verb; to receive an equivalent for; make up for
renunciation noun; the act of giving something up. especially by formal announcemnt.
rescingd intrans verb; to make void; repeal or annul
waive trans. verb; to relinquish or give up voluntarily to refrain from insisting upon or enforcing; dispence with
Created by: T.Wade
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