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Medieval Literature

Final Exam

(Dates) 54BC Caesar Lands in Britain
(Dates) 43 Claudius conquers Celtic Britain
(Dates) 208 Britain Begins to be Christianized
(Dates) 410 Rome sacked by the Visogoths; Roman legions withrawn from Britain
(Dates) 449 Angle, Saxon, and Jutish mercenaries are invited by Vortigern
(Dates) 490 Battle of Mount Badon
(Dates) 597 Pope Gregory sends Augustin to converts England
(Dates) 664 Synod of Whitby
(Dates) 871 Alfred comes to the throne
(Dates) 937 Battle of Brunaburh
(Dates) 991 Battle of Maldon
(Dates) 1066 Norman Invasion
(Definitions) Alliteration repetition of initial consonant sounds
(Definitions) Elegy a sustained and formal poem setting forth the poet's meditations on death or some other solemn theme.
(Definitions) Epic a long narrative poem presenting characters of high position in a series of adventures which form an organic whole through their relation to a central figure of heroic proportions and through their development of episodes important to the history of a...
(Definitions) Epic [Cont.] nation or race
(Definitions) Kenning a compound word of metaphoric quality
(Definitions) Litotes a negative understatement
(Definitions) Formula a group of words which is regularly employed under the same metrical conditions to express a given essential idea
(Definitions) Enjambment a device of continuing the sense and grammatical construction of a verse or a couplet or line.
(Terms) Wyrd fate
(Terms) Comitatus leader/warrior relationship
(Terms) Cyning king/leader
(Terms) Thane warrior/vassal
(Terms) Dryhten Lord/lord
(Poems & Categories) Oldest "Caedmon's Hymn"
(Poems & Categories) Elegies "Wanderer"; "Seafarer"; "Wife's Lament"; "Husband's Message"; "Ruin"; "Wulf and Eadwacer";
(Poems & Categories) Transitional between Elegy and Heroic "Deor"
(Poems & Categories) Heroic "Finnesburh Fragment"; "Waldere"; "Battle of Brunanburh"; "Battle of Maldon";
(Poems & Categories) Caedmonian "Exodus"; "Daniel"; "Genesis A"; "Genesis B"; "Christ & Satan"; "Riming Poem" (also strongly elegiac)
(Poems & Categories) Cynewulfian "Juliana" (Signed or Rune Signature); "Fates of the Apostles" (S. or R. S.); "Elena" (S. or R. S.); "Christ II" (S. or R. S.); "Dream of the Rood"; "Guthlac B" (Hagiographies); "Andreas" (H.); "Judith" (H.);
(Ideas and Lists) First 5 (of 11) Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry 1. Four-Stress line; 2. Caesura; 3. Alliteration; 4. Repetition; 5. End-stopping lines
(Ideas and Lists) Last 6 (of 11) Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry 6. Kennings; 7. Specialized Poetic Vocabulary; 8. Elevated and aristocratic tone; 9. Oral in nature; 10. Rapid narrative style; 11. Use of Contrast
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Allegory Extended metaphor on a literal and symbolic level
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Epic Often deals with the values of the comitatus
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Saints' Lives (Hagiography) An exemplum
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Biblical Paraphrase [no answer from Napierkowski]
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Lyric Emotional, subjective, deeply felt passions
(Ideas and Lists) [Six Classifications of Anglo-Saxon Literature] Elegy reflections on serious topis
(Ideas and Lists) Four Manuscripts Exeter Book; Cotton Vitellius A XV; Junius MS; Vercelli Book
(Ideas and Lists) Five Schools of Criticism Literalist; Symbolist; Allegoralist; Oral Formulaic; Consolationist
(Ideas and Lists) [Beowulf Dates] 525 Setting of action
(Ideas and Lists) [Beowulf Dates] 725 composition of present form of poem
(Ideas and Lists) [Beowulf Dates] 975 poem copied into Cotton Vitellius A XV
(Ideas and Lists) [Two types of Epics] Primary -composed early in the history of a people, usually while the culture is still dependent on oral tradition. -hero usually represents the virtues that the people consider important
(Ideas and Lists) [Two types of Epics] Secondary -arises later in the cultural development of a people -conscious literary effort that expects its audience to have a literary knowledge -often has a greater scope: e.g. Aeneid. Virgil made comparable to Iliad and Odyssey & Beowulf poet knew the Aeneid
(Ideas and Lists) [Tillyard's Five Criteria for Epic] 1: High quality and high seriousness
(Ideas and Lists) [Tillyard's Five Criteria for Epic] 2: Amplitude, breadth, inclusiveness
(Ideas and Lists) [Tillyard's Five Criteria for Epic] 3: Focus on the norm or normal
(Ideas and Lists) [Tillyard's Five Criteria for Epic] 4: Displays "control" of structrual, thematic, and technical elements of the work
(Ideas and Lists) [Tillyard's Five Criteria for Epic] 5: Choric - expresses feelings of what it was like to live at that time; author speaks on behalf of a large group of people.
(Ideas and Lists) Four levels of contrast in Beowulf Structural; Thematic; Allusion; Technical;
(Ideas and Lists) [Three Tests for Oral Composition] 1: Characterized by predominance of formulaic expressions
(Ideas and Lists) [Three Tests for Oral Composition] 2: Presence of unperiodic enjambement
(Ideas and Lists) [Three Tests for Oral Composition] 3: Employment of traditional themes
(Ideas and Lists) Four Main Categories of Anglo-Saxon Poetry Elegies; Heroic; Caedmonian; Cynewulfian;
(Ideas and Lists) Levels of Biblical Exegesis -Literal; -Typological (prefiguration of New Testament events in the Old Testament); -Tropological (symbolic); -Anagogical (apocalyptical)
(Ideas and Lists) Four Signed Cynewulfian Poems "Juliana"; "Elena"; "Fates of the Apostles"; "Christ II"
(Ideas and Lists) Characteristics of Cynewulf's Poems Contrasts of light and dark imagery; Runic Signatures; Request for prayers; Concern with exegetical question
(Definitions) Poem A composition characterized by the presence of imagination, emotion, truth (significant meaning), sense impressions, and concrete language; expressed rhythmically and with an orderly arrangement of parts and possessing within itself a unity:
(Definitions) Poem [Cont.] the whole written with the dominant purpose of giving aesthetic, intellectual, and/or emotional pleasure.
Created by: clevername
Popular European History sets




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