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Ch. 34


ageism form of prejudice and discrimination against individuals because of their age
assisted living residential facilities with minimal health care, common dining and social activities, usually transportation assistance
home health care agency private company that employs nursing assistants and nurses who make home visits to provide patients with limited nursing services
hospice care program that provides special end-of-life care for terminally ill patients
in-home care care provided by in the home by spouses, family, close friends, or paid, live-in caregivers
neuritic plaque accumulation of bundled fibers surrounding normal and damaged nerve cells in the brain
neurofibrillary tangles tangles of neurofibrils that make up part of the nerve cell body
nursing center facility in which custodial and nursing care provided to individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living; also called a nursing home
palliative care medical care aimed at alleviating disease symptoms, rather than providing a cure
postmenopausal period occurring after permanent cessation of menstruation
ankylosis abnormal condition of stiffening or crookedness (of a joint)
geriatric pertaining to the elderly
gerontologist specialist in the study of aging
presbyacusis age related hearing loss
rhytidoplasty surgical repair (removal) of wrinkles
anacusia without hearing (total deafness)
bradykinesia slow movement
myasthenia muscle weakness
osteopenia deficiency of bone mass
osteoporosis loss of bone mass that occurs throughout the skeleton when more bone is resorbed than laid down
arteriostenosis narrowing of an artery
age-related macular degeneration age-related degeneration of the macula with resulting loss of central vision
Alzheimer disease chronic, progressive, degenerative cognitive disorder
cataract opacity of the lens of the eye as a result of aging, trauma, or disease
dementia progressive irreversible decline in mental function marked by memory impairment and deficits in reasoning and judgment
glaucoma group of eye diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure resulting in atrophy of the optic nerve
kyphosis condition marked by exaggeration of the posterior curve of the thoracic spine; also called hunchback
osteoarthritis a type of arthritis marked by progressive cartilage deterioration in synovial joints and vertebrae
presbyopia permanent loss of accommodation of the lens of the eye that occurs when people are in their mid-40s
presbycusis progressive loss of hearing with age
psychosis mental disorder marked by loss of contact with reality, evidenced by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech patterns, and bizarre or catatonic behaviors
ADLs activities of daily living
AD Alzheimer disease
AMD, ARMD age-related macular degeneration
BMD bone mineral density
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
decub. decubitus (ulcer); bedsore
DNR do not resuscitate
ED erectile dysfunction
HTN hypertension
LTC long-term care
OA osteoarthritis
analgesics (acetaminophen aka Tylenol) most forms of mild to moderate pain
salicylates (aspirin aka Bayer) mild to moderate inflammatory pain
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (ibuprofen aka Motrin, Advil) (ketorolac aka toradol) mild to moderate inflammatory pan
opiates (acetaminophen and hydrocodone aka Vicodin) ( hydromorphone aka dilaudid) acetaminophen and oxycodone aka percocet) ( morphine aka ms contin) most forms of moderate to severe pain
antidepressants (amitriptyline aka elavil) (doxepin aka sinequan) (imipramine aka tofranil) (nortriptyline aka pamelor) chronic pain such as neuropathy
anticonvulsants (phenytoin aka dilantin) (gabapentin aka neurontin) chronic pain such as neuropathy
Created by: rewebb
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