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Ch. 30


absorption process of transferring nutrients from the digestive tract into the bloodstream
alimentary canal route of digestion that includes all structures from the mouth to the anus excluding the accessory organs of digestion; also known as the digestive or gastrointestinal tract
bolus mass of masticated food
cardiac sphincter circular muscle at the top of the stomach that allows food from the esophagus to enter the stomach
chyme mixture of partially digested food and saliva
defecation passage of feces from the bowels
deglutition swallowing
digestion chemical and physical breakdown of food in the gastrointestinal tract
enema introduction of a solution into the rectum stimulate bowel activity
epiglottis upper most cartilage of the larynx
excretion process of eliminating waste products of digestion
glucagon hormone that cleaves bonds in glycogen to release glucose
insulin hormone that binds to glucose allowing its transport from the bloodstream to the tissues
mastication chewing
peristalsis wavelike muscular contractions that move food down the esophagus
rugae folds on the internal surface of the stomach
saliva oral secretions that moistened food for tasting, chewing, and swallowing
uvula soft tissue hanging from the upper mouth that prevents food from entering the nasal cavity
villi projections of the small intestines that will absorb water and nutrients
appendicolysis surgery to free the appendix from adhesions
buccal pertaining to the cheek
cheilitis inflammation of the lip
labionasal pertaining to the lips and nose
cholangioma tumor of the bile duct
choleresis secretion of bile by the liver
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
choledocholithiasis stone of the bile duct
coloplexy fixation of a segment of the colon to the abdominal wall
colonopathy any disease of the colon
dentition the type, number, and arrangement of the teeth
orthodontist specialist concerned with the position and alignment of teeth
duodenal pertaining to the duodenum
enterospasm intermittent painful contraction of the intestines
esophagocele hernia of the esophagus
gastrectasia acute or chronic dilation of the stomach
gingivitis inflammation of the gums
glossopharyngeal pertaining to the tongue and pharynx
lingual pertaining to the tongue
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
ileostomy surgery to create an opening from the ileum to the outside of the body
jejunorrhaphy surgical repair of the jejunum
stomatitis inflammation of the mouth
pancreatalgia pain in the pancreas
pharyngotomy incision into the pharynx
proctologist specialist in diseases and disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus
pylorodiosis dilation of the pylorus
rectocele hernia of the rectum
sialolith salivary stone
sigmoidoscopy procedure to view the sigmoid colon
diarrhea abnormally frequent discharge or flow of watery fecal matter from the bowel
perihepatic around the liver
sublingual under the tongue
hematemesis vomiting of blood
anorexia loss of appetite
cholelithiasis condition of gallstones
dyspepsia indigestion, bad digestion
polyphagia eating large amounts of food
postprandial following a meal
colitis inflamed colon
dysphagia painful or difficulty swallowing
flatulence excessive gas in the stomach and intestines
gastroesophageal reflux disease common condition where acid from the stomach flows back into the esophagus, causing discomfort and, sometimes, erosion of the lining of the esophagus
peritonitis inflammation of the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
polyp growth projecting from a mucous membrane
pruritis itching, tingling
pyrosis heartburn
ac before meals
ALT alanine aminotransferase (liver enzyme test)
AST aspartate aminotransferase (liver enzyme test)
BaE, BE barium enema
BM bowel movement
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
IBD inflammatory bowel disease
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
IVC intravenous cholangiogram
LFT liver function test
NG nasogastric
NPO, npo nothing by mouth
pc after meals
PO, po by mouth
PR per rectum
PUD peptic ulcer disease
SBO small bowel obstruction
Created by: rewebb
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