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O'Dell U2 (Ch 5-6)

Unit 2 Chapters 5-6 review terms, places, vocab, and people

Treaty of Greenville forced Native Americans to surrender most of their lands in Ohio
Alien and Sedition Acts laws that discouraged immigration and made it illegal to speak out against the government in the United States
Pinckney’s Treaty gave Americans the rights to use the Mississippi River and trade in New Orleans
Thomas Jefferson first secretary of state of the United States, was third President of the U.S.
George Washington President of the U.S. that issued a Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793
implied powers powers suggested but not directly stated in the Constitution
John Jay first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
national debt financial responsibilities (for example, bonds) owed by the government
John Adams a Federalist who served as second president of the United States
tariff a tax on imported manufactured goods
Federalist They supported Washington’s administration, wanted large government
Democratic-Republicans disagreed with policies of Hamilton, feared a large government
impressment forced American sailors to serve in the British navy
XYZ affair crisis in U.S. foreign relations with France
partisan favoring one side of an issue
Alexander Hamilton first secretary of the treasury, leader of the Federalists
Whiskey Rebellion a mob attacked tax collectors and burned down buildings
caucuses meetings held by political parties to choose candidates for office
Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton
John Marshall Chief Justice who helped extend the power of the Supreme Court
New Orleans port that shipped Southern goods to Northern and European markets
Sacagawea joined the Lewis and Clark expedition as a guide
Louisiana Territory area that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains
Washington Irving wrote “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
laissez-faire term that means “let people do as they choose”
Louisiana Purchase treaty that purchased land between Mississippi River and Rocky Mountains
nationalism spirit of pride in a nation and loyalty to its goals
Second Great Awakening stressed the equality of all believers before God
Twelfth Amendment passed to prevent a tie between a presidential and vice-presidential candidate
working class the poor people who became less able to make ends meet in the early 1800s
pioneers headed west into Kentucky, Tennessee, and the Northwest Territory
enslaved people worked mostly on plantations in the South
James Madison secretary of state under Jefferson
Created by: Mr. O'Dell
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