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Ch. 25


impetigo cause: group a streptococcus or staphylococcus symptoms: usually on face or extremities, appears as tiny blisters that turn into sores w/ honey colored crusty edges. treatment: topical and systemic antibiotics, keep fingernails short and clean
acne cause: unknown but maybe related to hormones, medications, genetics, environment, pollution, humidity, and stress symptoms: comedones turn into pustules then nodules and cysts. treatment: otc benzoyl peroxide, accutane
cellulitis cause: group a streptococci and staphylococcus invade the skin symptoms: localized pain, erythema, edema, warmth, and fever. treatment: antibiotics and surgical resection for extreme cases
folliculitis cause: develops from irritation as well as from the blockage of follicles symptoms: rash w/ comedones, pustules, and itching treatment: topical or oral antibiotics or antifungal medications
warts cause: hpv; symptoms: maybe tiny to medium sized. treatment: otc salicylic acid and cryotherapy;
herpes simplex virus 1 symptoms: lesions on the lips treatment: antiviral medications
herpes simplex 2 symptoms: lesions on the genitals, itching, pain, tingling, and burning before an outbreak treatment: antiviral medications
herpes zoster (shingles) cause: varicella virus symptoms: distribution of herpetic vesicles along affected dermatome, lesions can be painful, burn or itch as well. treatment: antiviral drugs, corticosteriods, analgesics, and antipruritics
tinea cause: fungus symptoms: red, raised, scaly, itchy lesions, patchy hair loss might be evident treatment: otc antifungal creams and powders
candidiasis cause: candida albicans symptoms: thick cheesy discharge and pruritis treatment: antifungal medication
pediculosis cause: lice symptoms: itching and sores as well as the sensation of something crawling on you treatment:manually ridding the body of parasites
scabies cause: microscopic mites symptoms: pruritic and made up of scaly papules treatment: topical 5% permethrin cream
eczema cause: allergies, chemicals, scratching, stress, illness, or sun exposure symptoms: skin may be hot, dry, pruritic, or red swollen, cracked, weeping, scaly and itchy treatment: burows solution, corticosteriod, emollients, antihistamines, and injections
psoriasis cause: unknown but autoimmune in nature symptoms: silvery-white scaly plaques or patches w/ reddened skin beneath treatment: topical corticosteriod, vitamin d, coal tar derivatives, retinoids, and uv light exposure
systemic lupus erythematosus cause: not completely known but thought that genetics, viruses, some drugs, female hormones, stress, and uv light in the form of sunlight, fluorescent lights, and tanning beds may play a role symptoms: skin rash anywhere on body, mild fever, fatigue
dermabrasion surgeon scrapes away the outermost layer of skin using a ire brush or burr impregnated with diamond particles
dermaplaning the surgeon uses a dermatome which resembles a razor, to skim off surface layers of the skin
microdermabrasion involves gentle abrasion or polishing which is useful in reducing fine lines, nevi, age spots, and acne scars.
chemical peel a chemical solution is applied to the skin to improve appearance by removing blemishes, fine wrinkle, and uneven pigmentation
laser resurfacing involves using a carbon dioxide laser to remove fine lines, and damaged skin around the eyes and mouth. its also used to minimize scars and even out areas of uneven pigmentation
botox uses the botulinim toxin whuch interferes with contraction of the muscles thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkes
radioallergosorbent test checks blood for the presence of specific allergy antibodies
allergen substance that produces a hyper sensitivity reaction
atopic type of allergic reaction for which there is a genetic predisposition
biopsy procedure in which a representative sample of tissue is obtained for microscopic examination
cryosurgery surgery with cold probes to destroy cancerous tissue
diascopy procedure in which a glass plate is held against the skin to observe changes related to pressure
electrodesiccation destructive drying of cells by applying electrical energy
erythema redness of skin
Created by: rewebb
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