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MED203 Ch 5

Eye & Ear flashcards

Cornea Clear coating over the center of the eye
Conjunctiva Covering over the sclera
Rods responsible for black/white vision
Rods located at the periphery of the retina
Rods responsible for vision in dim light
Cones located in the center of the retina
Cones responsible for color vision
Sclera White part of the eye
Iris Colored part of the eye
Conjunctivitis Pink eye
Retinal detachment Sudden, painless vision loss
Vitreous body (chamber) Largest aspect of the eye
Optic disc Where optic nerve inserts into the retina; blind spot
Hyperopia Farsightedness (person can see far away objects)
Myopia Nearsightedness (person can see close up)
Astigmatism blurred vision from abnormal curvature of cornea (light falls unevenly on retina)
Presbyopia Changes in eyesight that result from aging (eye loses accommodation)
Nystagmus Involuntary, repetitive eye movements
Strabismus failure of the eye to look in the same direction (cross-eyed is an example)
Amblydopia Lazy eye
Blepharitis Inflammation/infection of the eyelid
Ectropion Outward protrusion of the lower lid
Entropion Inward inversion of the lower lid
Hordoleum large stye of the eye
Chalazion smaller stye of the eye often found at the eyelash border
Cataract cloudy opacity of the lens
Glaucoma Increased intraoccular pressure which can result in blindness
Macular degeneration Progressive deterioration of the retina resulting in loss of central vision
Diabetic retinopathy results from neovascularization
Ocular melanoma What is the most common ocular tumor in an adult?
Retinoblastoma What is the most common ocular malignancy in children?
Cerumen impaction/obstruction Conductive disorder where wax blocks the auditory canal
Otitis media Infection of the middle ear which can result in decreased conduction
Otitis externa Infection of the auditory canal which can result in decreased conduction.
Otosclerosis hardening of the ossicles of the ear which can result in decreased conduction
Ossicles Bones of the middle ear are collectively called:
Acoustic neuroma benign tumor around the 8th cranial nerve
Cholesteatoma Cyst of infected skin cells within middle ear that erodes the cavity and ossicles
Labyrinthitis Inflammation in the semicircular canals of the inner ear
BPPV benign paroxsymal positional vertigo - benign dizziness
Ménière's Disease chronic inner ear disorder involving vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss
Created by: DrGreimel
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