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CN 5 and 7

WVSOM -- Gross Anatomy -- Cranial Nerves V and VII

Where does the Trigeminal nerve ermerge from? lateral aspect of the pons as 2 roots
What are the 2 roots of CN V? larger sensory root and smaller motor root
What is the motor function of CN V? mastication, anterior belly of the digastrics, mylohyoid, tensor tympani and tensor veli palatine
What is the function of V1? pure sensory
Where does V1 exit? superior orbital fissure to enter the orbit
What are the 3 major branches of the ophthalmic division? nasociliary, frontal and lacrimal
What dura does V1 pass thru? lateral wall of the cavernous sinus to exit the crainial cavity via the superior orbial fissure
What part of the face is covered by the V1? cornea, conjucntiva, nasal cavity, frontal and ethmoid sinuses, dorsum of nose, upper eyelid and anterior portion of the scalp
What is the function of V2? sensory only. Innervates the palate, nasal cavity, upper teeth, maxillary sinus, skin of lateral side of nose, upper lip and lower eyelid/cheek
What does V2 branch into? Zygomatic, superior alveolar(dental), infraorbital and palatine
How does V2 travel? passes forward in the dura of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus to exit the cranial cavity via the foramen trotundum to enter the pterygopalatine fossa
What kind of nerve is V3? mixed
How does V3 travel? exits the cranial cavity via the foramen ovale
What is the motor innervations of V3? 1st pharyngeal arch – masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatine, mylohyoid and anterior belly of the digastrics muscles
What are the major nerve branches of V3? Buccal, lingual, inferior alveolar & auriculotemporal
What is innervated by V3? skin of lower face, cheek, lower lip, temporomandibular joint, upper external auditory meatus, tympanic membrane, anterior 2/3 of tounge, lower teeth
What parasympathetic fibers join branches of the trigeminal nerve? post synaptic ganglion of the ciliary, otic, submandibular and pyerygopalatine
What will injury to the trigeminal nerve present with? loss of light touch, pain/temp sensations of the face, anterior scalpe, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and anterior 2/3 of tongue. Loss of afferent limb of corneal reflex and paralysis of the muscles of mastication
What is the corneal reflex? both eyes blinking in response to one cornea being touched.
What is tic doulourey? trigeminal neuralgia. Disorder of the sensory root of CN V occurring most often in middle aged and elderly persons. Characterized by sudden attacks of excruciating lightening-like jabs of factial pain often lasting for 15 minutes or more
Which cranial nerve is most associated with tic douloureux? V2 mostly, V1 least frequent
What is the cause of tic douloureux? unknown
What is treatment for tic doulourex? surgical resection of the nerve or ganglion
Where does the facial nerve exit the skull? stylomastoid foramen
What kind of nerve is CN 7? mixed
Where does CN 7 emerge? junction of the pons and medulla
What are the divisions of CN 7? motor root and intermediate nerve
What does the motor root of CN 7 innervate? muscles of facial expression
What are the muscles of facial expression? Frontalis, orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus Major, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris, orbicularis oris, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, buccinators, platysma
When the facial nerve emerges from the stylomastoid foramen what branch does it immediately give off? posterior auricular nerve
What does the facial nerve terminate into at the parotid gland? temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical nerves
Injury to the facial nerve results in what? paralysis of the muscles of facial expression (Bell’s Palsy) and loss of the efferent limb of the corneal reflex
What is the branch of the facial nerve that is parasympathetic preganlionic and where does it synapse? greater petrosal nerve and synapses in the pterygopalatine ganglion
What does the pterygonopalatine ganglion provide autonomic innervations to? lacrimal gland and mucous glands of the nasal cavity, maxillary sinus and palate
Which branch of the facial nerve carries taste fibers? chorda tympani nerve
What does the chorda tympani nerve innervate? taste fibers to the anterior 2/3 of the tounge as well as parasympathetic preganlionic fibures to the submandibular ganglion
What nerve does the chorda tympani untie with? lingual nerve branch of V3
Where are the postganlionic fibers of the chorda tympani distributed to? submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
Created by: tjamrose
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