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Test 2

Integumentary System

Epidermis the most superficial layer of skin: made up avascular tissue; keratinocytes, melanocytes, merkel cells, and Langerhans cells
dermis made up of vascular connective tissue
hypodermis (superficial fascia) made up of loose connective tissue (adipose and areolar); anchors skin to organs; allows free movement; shock absorber and insulator
stratum corneum 20-30 cell layers thick; 3/4 of epidermis
stratum lucidum contains few rows of keratinocytes; only in thick skin
stratum granulosum 2-3 layers of cells; keratinization starts here
stratum spinosum contains keratinocytes and Langerhans cells
stratum basale single row of columnar keratinocytes; has merkel cells and melanocytes; number doesn't vary but amount of pigment differs
dermal papillae extensions that go into epidermis; increase friction and help gripping in papillary layer of dermis
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium epidermis
adipose tissue hypodermis
dense irregular connective tissue dermis
what are the 3 layers of the skin? epidermis, hypodermis, dermis
what are the functions of the hypodermis? anchors skin to organ allows free movement and shock absorber and insulation
what are the 5 layers of the epidermis in order from superficial to deep? stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale
what are melanocytes and what layer are they located in? their pigment determines skin color and in stratum basale
which layers make up the stratum germinativum? stratum basale and stratum spinosum
which layer is found only in thick skin? stratum lucidum
where does keratinization begin? in the stratum granulosum
what are the 2 dermal layers? papillary layer and reticular
what are the dermal papillae? extensions into epidermis help with friction and gripping
what is a blister? separation of epidermis and dermis
what is a stretch mark? tearing of dermis
which 3 pigments contribute to skin color? melanin, carotene, and hemoglobin
what is alopecia? decrease of hair growth
what are the 3 types of sweat glands? eccrine: sweat of 94% water apocrine: in axillary and genital areas; sweat, protein, & fatty acids; bacteria break down and odor ceruminous: changed apocrine glands; ear wax
what are the functions of the integumentary system? protection, excretion, and body temp regulator
what is the classification of burns? 1st degree: only epidermis; redness, pain, and swelling 2nd degree: epidermis and top of dermis; redness swelling pain and blisters (1st and 2nd degree=partial thickness burns) 3rd degree: epidermis and dermis; grey white black; no pain
what are the 3 types of skin cancer? Basal cell carcinoma: least malignant cancer basal go dermis; surgery Squamous cell carcinoma: arises from stratum spinosum forms reddened papule grows & metastasizes: surgery/radiation Malignant melanoma: cancer of melanocytes; surgery & chemotherapy
what is lanugo? dowry hair in fetus in 5th and 6th month; 7th month sheds
what is vernix caseosa? white cheesy-looking substance that protects fetus from the amniotic sac
what is the threat to burn patients and important steps of treatment? severe loss of body fluid; dehydration and electrolyte imbalance causing renal shut down and circulatory shock after 24 hours infection becomes threat
Created by: mchuan
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