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Review 1

Orientation and Tissues

Anatomy study of structure of body and how the parts relate to each other
Physiology study of function of body and its divided by system
9 anatomical divisions of abdominal cavity from left down Right hypochondriac, right lumbar, right iliac, epigastric, umbilical, hypogastric, left hypochondriac, left lumbar, left iliac
What are the functions of epithelial tissue? Protection, absorption, secretion, and filtration
Know at least 1 location of each of the 8 types of epithelial tissue. Simple squamous-lungs simple cuboidal-kidneys simple columnar-kidney peseudostratified-trachea stratified squamous-skin stratified cuboidal-sweat stratified columnar-conjunctiva transitional-ureters
What are the special characteristics of epithelial tissue? specialized contacts, polarity, basement membrane, regeneration, avascularity, cellularity
What are the three types of epithelial membrane? mucous membrane, cutaneous membrane, and serous membrane
What is the difference between endocrine gland and exocrine gland? Endocrine-ductless gland; glands secrete hormones into the extracellular space where they make their way into the bloodstream exocrine-secrete product into ducts which open onto body surfaces or into body cavities
functional classification of glands merocrine-secrete products by exocytosis holocrine-product accumulates until cell ruptures and releases product apocrine-product accumulates at apex of cell apex pinches off and product is releases cell repairs itself and process starts over
what are the 4 types of connective tissue? connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood
what are the 5 functions of connective tissue? binding, support, protection, insulation, transportation of blood
what are the 3 elements of connective tissue? ground substance, fibers, and cells
what are the 3 types of fibers found in connective tissue? collagen; made of collagen protein, it is tough and provides high tensile strength elastic; made up of elastin protein, it stretches and recoils; it snaps connective tissue back to normal length Reticular; made up of fine collagenous fibers
10 types of cells found in connective tissue? fibroblast, fibrocyte, chondroblast, chondrocyte, osteoblast, osteocyte, hemocytoblast, hemocytocyte, macrophages, and mast cells
what are the 3 types of loose connective tissue? areolar adipose reticular
what are the 3 types of dense connective tissue? dense regular dense irregular elastic
what are the 3 types of cartilage? Name at least 1 location of each hyaline-ends of bone fibrocartilage-discs of knee elastic cartilage- ear
what is the difference between the inflammatory response and the immune response? inflammatory-nonspecific; happens when tissues are injured immune-specific; cells mount attack against invaders
steps in tissue repair 1) capillaries dilate and become very permeable 2) forms clot 3) Organization- clot is replaced by granulation tissue 4) regeneration of surface epithelium- inbetween scab and granulation tissue
what is a zygote? fertilized egg
what is a blastula? hollow ball of cells
what is the blastopore? blastula invaginate at a point known as:
what is the gastrula? invagination causes a new layer of tissue to be formed within blastula
what are the 3 primary germ layers called? ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
which primary germ layers give rise to connective tissue? To epithelial tissue? connective tissue-mesoderm epithelial tissue- all 3 layers
Created by: mchuan
Popular Anatomy sets




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