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medical terms

Chapter 2 Davi-Ellen Chabner

abdominal cavity space below the chest that contains organs such as the stomach, liver, intestines, and gallbladder. The abdomen lies between the diaphragm and the pelvis.
cranial cavity space surrounded by the skull and containing the brain and other organs
pelvic cavity space contained within the hip bones (front and sides) and the lower part of the backbone (sacrum and coccyx)
Spinal cavity space in the back that contains the spinal cord and is surrounded by the back bones
Thoracic cavity space above the abdomen that contains the heart, lungs, and other organs; the chest cavity
cervical region seven backbones in the area of the neck
thoracic region backbones attached to the ribs and located in the region of the chest, between the neck and the waist
lumbar region pertaining to the backbones that lie between the thoracic (chest) and sacral (lower back) vertebrae
sacral region five fused bones in the lower back, below the lumbar bones and wedged between two parts of the hip (ilium)
coccygeal region four fused (joined-together) bones at the base of the spinal column (backbone)
frontal plane a vertical plane that divides the body or an organ into front and back portions; the coronal plane
sagittal plane an imaginary plane that divides an organ or the body into right and left portions.
transverse plane imaginary plane that divides an organ or the body into an upper and a lower portion; a cross-sectional view
abdomin/o abdomen
bronch/o bronchial tube
anter/o front
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilage
coccyg/o tailbone
crani/o skull
epitheli/o skin (surface tissue)
esophag/o esophagus
hepat/o liver
lapar/o abdomen
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
later/o side
lumb/o loin, waist area
lymph/o lymph
mediastin/o mediastinum
pelv/o hip bone
peritone/o peritoneum (membranes around abdominal organs)
pharyng/o pharynx, throat
pleur/o pleura (membranes surrounding the lungs)
poster/o back, behind
radi/o x-ray; radius (lateral lower arm bone)
sacr/o sacrum
spin/o backbone, spine, vertebra
thorac/o chest
trache/o trachea, windpipe
vertebr/o backbone, vertebra
circulatory system organs (heart and blood vessels) that carry blood throughout the body
lymphatic system group of organs (lymph vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus) composed of lymphatic tissue that produce lymphocytes to defend the spooky against foreign organisms
digestive system organs that bring food into the body and break it down to enter the bloodstream or eliminate it through the rectum and anus
endocrine system endocrine glands. examples are the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal lands and the pancreas
male and female reproductive system produce the cells (eggs and sperm) that join to form the embryo. male (testis) and female (ovary) sex organs produce hormones as well
musculoskeletal system organs that support the body and allow it to move, including the muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissues
nervous system organs (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) that transmit electrical messages throughout the body
respiratory system organs that control breathing, allowing air to enter and leave the body
skin and sense system including the skin and eyes and ears, receives messages from the environment and sends them to the brain
urinary system organs that produce and send urine from the kidney to the outside of the body
Right hypochondriac region pertaining to the right lateral regions of the upper abdomen beneath the lower ribs.
left hypochondriac region pertaining to the left lateral regions of the upper abdomen beneath the lower ribs.
epigastric region above the stomach
Right lumbar region pertaining to the right backbones that lie between the thoracic (chest) and sacral (lower back) vertebrae
left lumbar region pertaining to the left backbones that lie between the thoracic (chest) and sacral (lower back) vertebrae
right inguinal (iliac) region pertaining to the right groin or the area where the legs meet the body.
left inguinal (iliac) region pertaining to the left groin or the area where the legs meet the body
hypogastric region below the stomach
right upper quadrant right upper part of the abdomen
left upper quadrant left upper part of the abdomen
right lower quadrant right lower part of the abdomen
left lower quadrant left lower part of the abdomen
Created by: awolfstar14
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