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Circulatory & Nervous System-HI

What do you call the branch of science that studies the nervous system? Neurology
Where do you find the blood vessels that nourish the hair? Hair Papilla
What does the nervous system coordinate and control? All body functions
The circulatory system is composed of blood, blood vessels, lymph, lymph vessels and the ____. Heart
The principle parts of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord and ____. Nerves
What do you call blood vessels that carry blood to the heart? Veins
The nervous system is divided into how many main divisions? Two
What do you call the fluid that is found in blood? Plasma
What do you call the sense organs that respond to cold? (End-bulbs of) Krause
Irritation at a point where nerve endings overlap produces a message to the brain of ____ ____. Double intensity
What substance carries oxygen throughout the body? Blood
What do you call the heart's upper, thin walled chambers? Atriums
Repeated messages to the brain can tire the synapse causing it to send messages more ____. Slowly
What is another name for the blood vascular system? Circulatory system
What do you call the sense organs that respond to pressure? Pacinian (corpuscles)
The heart is composed of which type of muscle? Cardiac muscle
What do you call the largest mass of nerve tissue found in the cranium? Brain
Impure blood will be what color? Dark red
What is the best way an electrologist can raise the pain threshold of a client? Vocal anesthesia
What do you call the large artery located in the lower region of the mouth? External maxillary
What do you call nerves that carry messages away from the brain or nerve center? Motor nerves/Efferent nerves
What do you call the arteries that are located on the sides of the neck? Carotid arteries
What is the medical term for motor nerves? Efferent nerves
What do you call blood cells that fight off infection? White corpuscles (white blood cells)
The central nervous system is composed of what two structures? 1.) Brain 2.) Spinal cord
What do you call blood cells that carry oxygen to all the cells of the body? Red corpuscles (red blood cells)
Which division of the nervous system controls voluntary activity? Cerebro-Spinal system (central nervous system)
What do you call the heart's lower, thick walled chambers? Ventricles
A nerve cell is composed of a cell body and fibers. What do you call those fibers? Processes
What structure prevents blood from flowing backwards? Valves
What do you call the sense organs that respond to "light touch"? Merkel's (disc)
Which division of the nervous system controls involuntary activity? Autonomic nervous system
What do you call the sense organs that respond to pain? Free nerve endings
When blood flows from the heart to the body(minus the lungs) and then flows back to the heart, it is called which type of circulation? General circulation (systemic circulation)
Which division of the nervous system contains sensory and motor nerves that are distributed to all parts of the body? Peripheral nervous system
Pure blood will be what color? Bright red
What is the medical term for a nerve cell? Neuron
Which division of the nervous system controls blood circulation? Autonomic nervous system
What is the medical term for sensory nerves? Afferent nerves
How long does it take for one complete cycle of blood circulation? 23 seconds
What do you call nerves that carries messages to the brain or nerve center? Sensory nerves (afferent nerves)
What do you call blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart? Arteries
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that originate in the brain and reach what three areas of the body? 1.) Head 2.) Face 3.) Neck
When blood flows from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart, it is called which type of circulation? Pulmonary circulation
What is the longest nerve in the body? Sciatic nerve
What do you call the smallest blood vessels? Capillaries
A nerve reflex is the path traveled through the brain and ____ ____. Spinal cord
What is the medical term for white blood cells? Leukocytes
What do you call the sense organs that respond to heat? Ruffini's (end-organs)
What is the medical term for red blood cells? Erythrocytes
What do you call the sense organs that respond to touch? Meissner's (corpuscles)
What is another name for the Central Nervous System? Cerebro-Spinal System
What is the medical term for blood platelets? Thrombocytes
What do you call the thin membrane in between two neurons? Synapse
What do you call the study of the vascular system? Angiology
To achieve synapse fatigue, how should your insertion placement be? Condensed to an area the size of a quarter
Which nervous system is involved with preparing the body for stress or excitement? Sympathetic nervous system
Which nervous system is involved with bringing your body back to homeostasis after a resolving a stressful situation? Parasympathetic nervous system
The vascular system consists of the heart, blood, blood vessels, lymph vessels and _____. Lymph
Impure blood is carried to the heart by which blood vessels? Veins
Pure blood is carried from the heart to the capillaries by which blood vessels? Arteries
Motor nerves carry messages from nerve center to the _____. Muscles
Created by: ElectricEsti
Popular Medical sets




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