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anatomy Chapters 17

anatomy Chapters 17 & 22

Malaise General feeling of uneasiness prior to systems
Anesthesia Loss of sensation
Abduction Movement of body part away from a joint
Extension Movement of a joint increasing the angle
Hemiplegia Paralysis on half the body
Modalities Use of heat or ice therapy
Diathermy Vasoconstriction
Vasoconstriction Constriction of the blood vessels
Flexion A bending or movement of a joint
Pronation Rotation of the forearm so the palms are facing down
Ultrasound The therapeutic use of sound and waves to improve an injury
Rotation Rotating around the axis
Goniometer Instrument used for measuring the angle of a joint
ADL Activities of daily living
CS Cervical spine
PT Physical therapy
DC Doctor of chiropractic
Imp Impression
Cost- Rib
Gnatho- Jaw
Ischo- Back
Osteo Bone
Rachi- Spine
Blood borne pathogen Infections in the blood
Microorganism Small life
Normal flora Normal healthy bacteria in our bodies
Medical asepsis Disinfected but not sterile
6 Growth requirements for microorganism Moisture, darkness, neutral PH, warm temp., nutrients, oxygen/or not
Chain of infection cycle Reservoir host, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry, succeptble host
Infectious agent Any organism that has the ability to cause disease. Bacteria, virus, fungi, Protozoa
Modes of transmission Droplet contact (coughing or sneezing on someone), direct physical contact (touching an infected person), indirect contact (touching contaminated soil or surface), airborne transmission, fecal-oral transmission, vector borne transmission (insects)
Body's natural defenses Skin, eyes, mouth, saliva, GI tract, respiratory track, white blood cells
Incubation stage Time from when person comes in contact with disease until symptoms
Prodromal Stage Time right before symtoms
Acute stage Symptoms are at the worst
Convalescent stage No symptoms, body is still recovering
HAV Hep A, fecal transmission
HBV Hep B, chronic, transmitted through. Look or sexual contact
HCV Hep C, blood transmission, destroys liver
when should you wash hands? Before/after gloves, after restroom, before/after eating, before/after patient contact
PPE includes Gown, gloves, face mask, apron, goggles
Golden rule of infection and patients Assume everyone is infectious
Spill kit Used to clean after bodily fluid spill
What to do if you have a Needle stick Wash the area with soap and water, keep patient there, notify supervisor, follow provider protocol, get baseline blood draw, follow up in 6 weeks
Prophylaxis Anything given or taken to prevent a disease
Sanitation Removing visible debris
Disinfection Kills most organisms
Bleach ratio 10 parts water, 1 part bleach
Thing you would disinfect Door handles, counters, phone, keyboard, exam table, blood pressure cuff
Guidelines to sharps container 1. Color coated 2. Leak proof 3. Labeled BIOHAZARD 4. Locking 5. Closed and locked at 2/3 full, 6. Conveniently placed
Wound healing stages 1. Inflammation 2. Granulation (scab), 3. Scarring ---
Normal healing is called? Healing by primary intention
Post op wound care 1. Instruction (verbal/.written), signs of infection, keep it dry/clean, take and finish meds, follow up
What determines types of sutures? Location, depth and type of wound
Types of sutures? Catgut chromic and vicryl
Anesthesias Marcaine, carbocaine, lidocaine (epinephrine sometimes added because it helps last longer).
Most common needle for sutures Swagged
Wound drainage colors Clear-serrous, bloody-sanguineous, clear with blood-serosanguineous, pusy-purulent
Copious A large amount
Scant A small amount
Created by: Kbowers
Popular Medical sets




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