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Respiratory Rev. RD


cystic fibrosis a hereditary disease of the exocrine glands affecting the respiratory system, pancreas, and sweat glands
rhonchus abnormal breath sound heard on auscultation
crackle abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation; also called rale
anosia absence of the sense of smell
pertussis acute infectious disease characterized bt a cough that has a :whoop" sound
tuberculosis an infectious diseased caused by inhaling viable tubercle bacilli; aka acid-fast bacillus
pnuemonia an inflammatory disease of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, disease, chemicals etc.
antihistamines block histamines from binding with histamine receptor sites in tissues
atelectasis collapsed or airless state of lung, may be acute or chronic
palatine tonsils collection of lymphatic tissue withing the oropharynx
asphyxia condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen
pnumoconiosis disease caused by inhaling dust praticles
compliance ease with which lung tissue can be stretched
pleural effusion excess of fluid in the pleural cavity
pneumectomy excision of a lung
pleurectomy excision of part of the pleura
viscous extremely thick
stridor high-pitched, harsh, adventitious breath sound
thoracic x-ray images of the chest taken from AP, PA and lateral views
pleurisy inflammation of the pleural membrane
mentoux test intradermal test to determine tuberculin sensitivity
sweat test measurement of the amount of salt in swear used to diagnose CF
spirometry measurement of ventilator ability by assessing lung capacity and flow
oximetry method of monitoring the percent of Hb saturated with O2
diffuse moving or spreading out of a substance at random
pulmonary function test multiple test used to evaluate the ability of the lungs to take in and expel air
epistaysis nosebleed
lung scan nuclear scanning test primarily used to detect pulmonary emboli
postural drainage positioning a pt. so that gravity aids in the draining of secretions from the bronchi and lobes of the lungs
antitrussives relieve of suppress coughing
bronchospasms spasms in the bronchial passage
bronchodialators stimulate bronchial muscles to relax and expand air passages
thorocentesis surgical puncture and drainage of the pleural cavity
carbon dioxide tasteless, colourless, odourless gas produced by body cells during the metabolic process
oxygen tasteless, odourless, colourless gas essential for human respiration
apnea temporary loss of breathing
arterial blood gases test that measures PO2, PCO2 and pH and bicarbonate level of an arterial blood sample
throat culture test used to identify pathogens, especially group A strptococci
visceral pleura the innermost layer lying next to the lung scan
parietal pleura the outermost layer, lining the lung
percussion the process of gently tapping with the fingers to determine position, size, of consistency of an underlying structure
ausculation the process of listening to body sounds, especially in the chest, with the use of a stethoscope
oxygenation the process of providing that body with adequate amounts of oxygen
pharynx throat
alive viable
laynoscopy visual examination of the larynx
medistionscopy visual examination of the mediastinal structures
larynx voice box
wheeze whistling or sighing sound heard of ausculation
trachea windpipe
Created by: lexieeesmith
Popular Medical sets




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