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RMA Med Term

aden/o gland
adip/o fat
anter/o before, front
caud/o lower part of body, tail
cephal/o head
cyt/o, -cyte cell
end-, endo- in, within, inside
exo- out of, outside, away from
hist/o, histi/o tissue
-ologist specialist
-ology the science or study of
path/o, -pathy disease, suffering, feeling, emotion
plas/i, plas/o, -plasia development, growth, formation
poster/o behind, toward the back
-stasis, -static control, maintenance of a constant level
peritoneum lining that holds the abdominal organs in place
parietal peritoneum outer layer of peritoneum
visceral peritoneum inner layer of peritoneum
retroperitoneal behind the peritoneum
mesentery attaches small intestine
adenoma benign tumor in gland
adenomalacia softening of gland
adenectomy removal of gland
adenosclerosis hardening of gland
adenitis inflammation of gland
adenosis disease of gland
coronal plane (frontal) vertical, front and back
transverse plane horizontal, top and bottom
midsagittal plane midline, left and right halves
superior top
inferior bottom
anterior front
posterior back
cephalic toward head
medial near midline
lateral sides on the body
proximal closer to body
distal further from body
caudal toward lower part of body
epigastric region above stomach
hypogastric region below stomach
hypochondriac region below ribs
lumbar region near inward curve of spine
illiac region over hip bones
pandemic disease outbreak over large area
epidemic disease outbreak in a specific area
anatomy study of structures of the body
physiology study of the function of the body
cranial cavity skull
pelvic cavity pelvis
spinal cavity spinal column
abdominal cavity abdoman
thoracic cavity chest
nosocomial infection infection acquired in the hospital
muscle tissue has the ability to contract and relax
nerve tissue has the ability to react to stimuli and conduct electrical impulses
adipose tissue fat
connective tissue connects organs and tissues
homeostasis internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant
idiopathic unknown disease
anaplasia change in structure of cells in orientation to each other
aplasia absence of organ
dysplasia abnormal development of cells, tissues, and organs
hyperplasia enlargement of organ
endocrine hormones
pathogen disease producing micro organism
etiology study of the cause of a disease
skeletal bones, joints, and cartilage
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
geriatrician care of older people
myc/o fungus
-cele hernia
lip/o fat
-lysis breakdown
intra within, inside
ab away from, negative
erythr/o red
-ectomy surgical removal
-rraphy surgical suturing
-megaly enlargement
path/o disease
peri- surrounding
-pexy surgical fixation
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
epidermis outer layer of skin
cellulitis bacterial infection within connective tissue
onychomycosis fungal infection of nail
urticaria hives, itchy, wheals caused by allergic reaction
psoriasis red papules on the skin
vitilogo destruction of melanocytes due to unknown cause
erythema redness of skin due to capillary
melanoma skin cancer in melanocytes
scleroderma autoimmune disorder that connective tissue is hardened and thickened
chondr/o cartilage
arthr/o joint
cost/o rib
oste/o bone
scoli/o curved
-algia pain
-itis inflammation
kyph/o bent
-dynia pain
polyuria large amount of urine
dysuria painful urination
nephritis kidney infection
renal colic pain from kidney stones
micturation urination or voiding
anuria absence of urine
oliguria scanty amount of urine
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
cyst/o fluid filled sac, bladder
myc/o fungus
hidrosis abnormal sweating
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone marrow and adjacent bone
osteoarthritis non inflammatory arthritits
vertebrea consists of 26 bones in an adult spine
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
kyphosis hunchback
diaphysis shaft of a long bone
osteamalacia softening of a bone
osteopenia loss of bone matrix
urethra tube that drains urine from the bladder
litotripsy crushing of a calulus or stone
hemodialysis procedure that removes waste from the blood
glomerulus first section of the functioning unit of the kidney
polyuria higher than normal amounts of urine
ureters two narrow tubes that carry urine out of the kidneys into the bladder
cystits inflammation of a fluid filled sac (bladder infection)
hydronephrosis tissue swelling in the kidney
renal pevis sac like collecting area for urine and expansion of ureter
microbiology study of small living organisms
morphology how bacteria are named, by shape
mycology study of fungi
serology study of antigen reactions to improve the immune system
eczama dry reddened skin, itchy, burning
contact dermatitis inflammation of skin
tinea pedis athletes foot, fungus
urticaria hives
boils skin abscess, localized deep in skin
scabies mites under skin
alopecia arecta hair loss on scalp
hair papilla hair root
sebaceous gland oil gland that produces sebum for lubrication
tinea fungal infection
warts HPV
herpes zoster shingles, painful rash, burning, itching
dermal papilae fingerprints
sun tan comes from... melanin in stratugerminutavin
diarthroses free moving
syarthrosis no movement
amphiarthroses semi movement
hypotonia diminished skeletal tone
paralysis loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movement
tenodesis suturing tendon to bone
singultus hiccups
ataxia unable to coordinate muscle activity
cachexia wasting away
tenolysis freeing of a tendon from adhesion
epicondylitis inflammation of tissue around the elbow
claudication pain in the leg muscle during exercise that is relieved by rest
myoclonus involuntary jerking
hyperemesis extreme vomitting
volvulus intestinal twisting
gastroenteritis inflammation of the lining of the stomach and small intestine
enteritis inflammation of the small intestine
ostomy surgical opening between an organ and the body surface
hematemesis vomiting blood
hepatomegaly enlargement of liver
myorrhaphy suturing of muscle wound
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
antiemetic medication to relieve nausea and vomiting
ROM range of motion
EMG elctromypgraphy
DTR deep tendon reflex
GERD gastroesophogeal reflux disease
IBS irritable bowel sydrome
circumduction circular movement
abduction away from midline
dorsiflexion bending foot upward
adduction toward midline
pronation palm toward back
-cele hernia
bi two
fibr/o fibrous connective tissue
fasci/o fascia
dys- bad
bradykinsesia slow movement
dystonia abnormal muscle tone
dyskinesia distortion of voluntary movement
hyperkinesia increased motor function
cholecystalgia pain in the gallbladder
cholelithiasis gallstones
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
esophagi/o esophagus
hepat/o liver
-lithiasis presence of stones
enter/o small intestine
gastr/o stomach
-ia abnormal
kines/o movement
-rrhexis rupture
my/o muscle
ten/o tendon
ton/o tone, tension
anorchism absence of testes
gynecomastia mammary development in males
pruritis vulvae itchy vagina
metorrhea abnormal bleeding of uterus
hysterosalpingography radio graphic examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes
episiotomy incision into perineum to enlarge vaginal orifice
mastaligia pain in breast
permetrium outter layer of uterus
amenorrhea abnormal absence of period for 3 months or more
thyroidectomy removal of thyroid
adenoma benign tumor that resembles grandular tissue
gynecologist deals with female reproductive system and breasts
colpectomy removal of the vagina
ectopic egg implants outside uterus
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
impotence inability to copulate dur to inability to maintain erection or achieve orgasm
endocrinologust specializes in diseases and malfunctions of the endocrine glands
hypoglycemia low blood glucose
acromegaly abnormal enlargement of extremeties
oophoritis inflammation of the ovary
ovulation egg is released by ovarian follicle
oophor/o ovary
orchid/o testicle
hysterectomy removal of uterus
menopause ceasing of menstruation
endocrinopathy disease marked my dysfunction of a endocrine gland
polyphagia excessive hunger
coitus sex
anovulation abnormal ovulation
mastopexy breast lift
priapism painful and persistent errection
menarche first period
mast/o breast
diabetes mellitus group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia
dysmenorrhea pain caused by uterine cramps
epinephrine aka adrenaline
vaginosis abnormal condition of the vagina
orchalgia pain of the testes
spermatogenesis formation of sperm
endocervicitis inflammation of the lining of the cervix
andropause male menopause
salping/o uterine, fallopian tube
oophorectomy removal of ovary
phallic relating to the penis
colporrhexis tearing of vaginal wall
cervicitis inflammation of cervix
myometrium smooth muscle tissue of the uterus
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tubes
leukorrhea white discharge from uterus and vagina
colposcopy visual exam of the cervix and vagina
cryptorchidism one or both testicles fail to descend
balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
polyuria excessive urine
poly many
phimosis narrowing of the foreskin
vasectomy male sterilization in which the vas deferens is surgically removed
colp/o vagina
exopthalmos protrusion of eyeball
hypocalcemia low calcium level in the blood
osis abnormal
otomy cutting
plasty repair
rraphy suturing
rrhea discharge
rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis hardening
prophylactic prevenative
atrophy loss of muscle mass due to disease over a long period of time
tendons connect muscle to bone
oxygen debt using energy uses oxygen, breathing heavy to replace
types of muscle smooth (visceral involuntary 1 nucleus), skeletal (voluntary), cardiac
function of muscles movement, stability, circulation, respiration
tonicity helps maintain posture
myasthenia gravis facial weakness
strain injury to muscle or tendon
sprain stretching or tearing to ligament
fibromyalgia musculoskeletal pain
tetanus fatal diseased caused by bacteria
ATP is needed for... muscle contractions
lipids fats
proteins secondary source of energy
minerals inorganic elements that assist in enzyme function
scurvy lack of vitamin C
where does digestion start? the mouth
submucosa contains... blood vessels and nerves
mastication chewing
uvula cone shaped structure from soft palete
3 salivary glands submandibular, sublingual, parotid
pharynx tube connects mouth to esophogus
bolus food hits the stomach
chyme breaks up bolus
parts of the small intestine duodenum, jejunem, illium
parts of the large intestine secum, ascending colon, transverse.., descending.., sigmoid
what does the large intestine absorb? water, salt and some vitamins
gallbladder cystic duct drains and stores bile
what does the liver do produces blood proteins, helps maintain glucose level, produce bile to breakdown fat
pyloric stenosis obstructive narrowing pyloric sphincter
where do veins go to the heart
where do arteries go away from the heart
occulsion blockage, deprive heart muscle of oxygen causing chest pain
first heart sound lub
flow of blood to body arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
EKG waves in order PQRSTU
order of electrical impluses through heart SA node, AV node, Bundle of his, perkinje fibers
atria recieves blood from body or lungs
pulmonary vein goes to left atrium, carries blood from the lungs to heart
ischemia death of heart muscle, MI
perkinje fibers are located... in ventrical walls
BP is highest in the... arteries
veins contain... valves to prevent back flow
capillaries microscopic vessels that contain venus and arterial blood
BP is defined as... force exerted on the inner wall of artery
arythmia irregular heart beat
tachycardia fast heart beat
bradycardia slow heart beat
ateriosclerosis thickening and loss of elacticity in arteries
cardiac tamponade or compression congestion of the heart muscle caused by fluid around the heart
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium, sac around the heart
embolus moves
thrombus stays in place
congestive heart failure heart unable to pump blood to organs
cor pulmonale right sided heart disease
stroke cerebrovascular accident, CVA, blood supply to the brain is interupted
TIA, transient ischemic attack stroke precursor
varicose veins enlarged veins in the leg
angina pectoris constriction of the heart causing low oxygen and severe pain
fibrillation heart muscle not contracting in correct order
thoracostomy opening in chest wall
tracheotomy opening in trachea
pericardium outer lining of the heart
myocardium middle muscle layer of heart
endocardium inner layer of heart, contains electrical conduction
septum separates the left and right side of the heart
ventricle pumps blood to the lungs or body
superior vena cava receives blood from the head
inferior vena cava receives blood from the body below the heart
tricuspid valve connects right atrium to the right ventricle
right ventricle pumps blood to lungs
pulmonary vein sends oxygenated blood to the left atrium
bicuspid valve connects left atrium to ventricle
hypothermia prolonged exposure to cold and core temp drops
ot/o ear/hearing
opt/o eye, vision
psych/o mind
-graphy recording a picture
OS left eye
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
AU both ears
-mania impulse, obsession
syncope loss of consciousness due to a decreased blood flow
cerebellum lower, second largest portion of brain, recieves nerve impluses
iritis inflamation of iris
iridotomy excision of iris to relieve pressure
cerebrum largest portion of brain, thought and memeory
keratitis inflammation of tissue outside layer, window of eye
LOC loss of conciousness
sciatica inflammation of sciatic nerve
blepharoptosis drooping eyelid
neuroplasty repair of nerves
hyperopia farsighted
myopia near sighted
VA visual accuity
IOP intraoccular pressure
OD right eye
otitis inflammation of the ear
psychotropic drug that changes mind
ophthalmologist diagnos and treat eye disorders
poliomyelitis contagious viral infection of spinal cord
glaucoma high intraoccular pressure
myringotomy incision into ear drum
aphasia loss of speech
delusion false belife
mastoidectomy removal of mastoid cells
anesthetic reduces sensation
strabismus misaligned eye, muscular disorder
conjunctivits pink eye, inflammation of mucus membrane
nyctalopia night blindness
scleritis inflammation of white of eye
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear, infection
optometrist measures vision
splint is used on.... long bone fracutre
figure eight bandage is used on... elbow
spiral bandage is used on... lower leg
tubular bandage is used on... finger
2 main structures of nervous systen centrel and periferal
centrel nervous system includes brain, spinal cord
periferal nervous system includes cranial and spinal nerve, somatic and autonomic
motor neuron efferent, movememtn
sensory neuron afferent
axon covers mylen sheath, away from cell, several feet long, body to area activated
dendrites tree branches to neuron, unsheathed
corpus colusum connect
hypothalamus controls water balance, temp....
brainstem mid brains, pons, medulle oblongata, vitals
spinal cord 17-18 in long, brain reflex
spinal fluid made coroid plexis
somatic impluses from brain voluntary
autonomic involuntary
quadraplegia all extremeties
parapelegia legs
hemiplegia one side
conjunctiva mucus membrane, lines underside eyelid, protective
light passes through what to what cornea to retina
iris colored part of eye
cornea lets light in
fovea holds highest concentration of rods and cones
sclera white of eye
choroid lines sclera, absorbs extra light
lens sharpens light onto retina, behind iris
pupil hole, controls amount of light entering eye
glaucoma increased IOP, excessive aqueous humor
presbyopia vision loss due to aging
astigmatism curvature of lens and cornea, light isnt able to focus on retina
macular degeneration deterioration of macula and centrel portion of retina
cataracts clouding of lens that prevents light from entering
rods night vision, reacts to dim light
cones day vision, sensitive to bright light and sees color
gustatory taste
ol factory smell
tympanic membrane separates inner and outer ear
bones of the middle ear... malleus, incus, stapes
cochlea organ of hearing
presbycusis hearing loss due to aging
tinnitus ringing in ear
otitis inflammation of the ear
otosclerosis abnormal tissue growth around stapes
hemotology study of blood and tissue
OSHA occupational safety and health administration
CLIA clinical laboratory improvement amendment
hemotopoesis formation of cells and blood
anemia low RBC
normal hemoglobin Hgb F 12-16 M 14-18
leukocyte WBC 4.5-11, defense, neutrophil eosinophils basophils lymphocytes monocytes
WBC do what when theres bacteria or virus bacteria up, viral down
WBC with diff percentage of each type of WBC
prothombin time PT test to test for time to clot
PTT test that determines which clotting factor is affected
BUN blood urea nitrogen, tests renal function
Hgb A1C long term control of diabetes
mono EBV antibody test
plasma liquid portion of blood
erythrocytes RBC, transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
thrombocytes platelettes
hematocrit Hct evaluates % of packed RBC in total blood volume, F 35-45 M 40-50
buffy coat divides plasma and RBC, contains WBC
platelettes assist in... clotting
lacrimal glands produce.. tears
main function of sense receptor... convert physcial stimulus into a nerve impluse
how light travels through eye... cornea, pupil, lens
layers of eye sclera, chorid, retina
parts of retina.. macula lutea, rods, cones
systole heart contraction
diastole heart relaxation
brachial artery antecubital space of elbow
sphygmomanometer BP cuff, mmHg
aneurysm ballooning of artery due to weak spot, mesh tube to treat
dyspnea difficulty breathing
MI myocradial infarction heart attack, blood supply stopped to heart
coronary thrombosis clot blocks artery
cardiac arrest heart stops
hypertension high BP
stroke, cerebral vascular accident CVA blood supply to brain is interupted
TIA, transient ischemia attack before a stroke, numbness, temporary blockage
varicose veins enlarged veins in legs from pregnancy etc
angina pectoris pain w/ sensation of heart contriction, lack of oxygen to heart
fibrillation contractions of heart fibers
arrhythmia irregular heart beat
hemoptysis blood in sputum
tidal volume VT amount of air in and out during normal breathing
total lung capacity volume of lungs at peak inspiration
vital capacity amount of air that can be exerted following forced inspiration
forced vital capacity FVC amount of air forcefully exhaled from max inahle
spirometry measures ability to move air in and out of lungs
peak flow meter measures ability to move air in and out of lungs, fastest rate of exhale
oxygen saturation SpO2 amount of oxygen concentration on arterial blood
nebulizer piece of equipment that delievers a med directly to the deeper areas of the lungs, aeresol mist
inhaler delivers measured amount of med to respirtory tract, can use spacer to imporve delivery
bradypnea slow rate of repiration, less then 10
cardiomegaly enlargement of heart
laryngectomy removal of larynx
pneumonia inflammation of lungs, filling of pus and liquid
pneumonitis inflammation of lungs
pulmonologist specialist in respirtory system
prognosis prediction of the course of a disease
thoracostomy incision into chest wall for drainage
angiospasm contraction of blood vessel
angiostenosis noarowing of blood vessels
aphonia cant produce speach sounds
atelectasis incomplete expansion of the lung
bronchorrhea discharge of mucus from bronchi
cyan/o blue
-ectasis stretching
empyema accumulation of pus
epitaxis nose bleed
eupnea normal breathing
hemothorax collection of blood in a pleural cavity
myopathy disease of muscle tissue
nasopharyngitis cold
phlebitis inflammation of vein
pleurisy inflammation of pleural that produces sharp chest pain with breath
diaphragm muscular partition
alveoli where gas exhancge occurs
upper respirtory tract: nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx throat
lower: larynx, trachea, bronchioles, lungs, bronchi
pharynx passageway for food to esophagus, tonsils
larynx vocal cords
epiglottis covers larynx so food goes to esophagus
trachea windpipe
bronchi branches from trachea to lungs
surfactant fatty substance produced by alveoli to keep them open
apnea abscense of breathing 19 sec
pleurisy inflammation of membrane around lungs pleura
pulmonary embolism PE clot in lung
tonometry measure occular pressure
serumen ear wax
sensory neural hearing loss due to nerve damcage
conductive hearing loss a blockage
presbicusis hearing loss dur to aging
presbiopia vision loss due to aging
prostetust fake limbs
orthotist supportive devices
modality type of therapy
gait belt saftey device
ambulate walk
ROM degree of movememtn
abduction away from body
adduction to body
eversion turn out
inversion inward
EMG activity in msucle
endocrin glands ductless, inside bodyu
exocrine ducts, outside body
endocrine helps.. maintain homeostasis
pituitary base of brain
parathyroid 4
adrenal glands are... on top of kidneys
pancreas both endo and exo
coritsol antiinflammatory
epinephrine fight or flight, increase BP, dialates broncnial tubes
acromegaly disease overgrowth growth hormone
addisons low cortisol level
syndrom symptons of disese without main characteristic
disease specific symptoms
hirutism extra hair
graves disease hyperthyroidism
myxedema untreated hypothyroidism
cervix neck, lower part of uterus
myometrium muscular middle layer of uterus, protects fetus
fallopian tubes uterine tubes, oviducts. move ovum to uterus. sperm to ovary
vulva external genetailia, 5 organs
clitoris erectile tissue with sensory nerves
menstrual cycle: menstration, follicular, ovulation, luteal
gestation preganancy
mastitis inflammation of breast
LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure electricity to remove abnormal tissue
hysterectomy removal of uterus
endometriosis endometrial tissue outside of uterus
uterine fibroids growths in uterus
male internal testes, epididymis, ductus defernes
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia prostate enlargement
epididymitis inflammation in scrotum
hydrocele painless fluid builduparound testes
1st trimester implantation to 14th week
2nd trimester 14 week to 26/6months
3rd trimester 27w/6m to birth
menarche onset of menstruation
gravida # pregnancies
para births after 20 wks
abortions didnt reach 20 wks
EDD due date, Naegeles rule. last period + 7 days - 3 months +1 year
effacement thinning cervical walls
puerperium 4-5 wks after birth
lochia pink or brown vaginal discharge
parturition birth/stages. onset to complete dialation, dialation-birth, birth-placenta delivery
preeclampsia elevated BP, mental changed, swelling, protein in urine
eclampsia seizures
baby holds cradle, football, shoulder/upright
hydrocephaly fluid around brain, increases head cirumfrence
microencephaly head growth is lower than normal
rhinovirus common cold, 200 varieties
geriatrics treat elderly
gerontology study of aging and effects
geriatrician treats elderly people diseases
assisted living doesnt need 24hr care
extended care facilities specialized care
cataracts clouding of lens
decubitus ulcer bed sore, break down of skin from pressure
glaucoma elevated IOP, decrease vision, lead to blindness
shingles skin rash, prolonged pain
respite care allow caregiver to relax
adv. directive guidlines to terminal care
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