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Anatomy Q3

Arteries of the Appendicular Region

R & L Common Iliac arteries terminal branches of the aorta; branch into the external & internal iliac arteries
AG - Common Iliac* runs along the superior medial border of the psoas major muscle toward the lower extremity
AG - External Iliac along the inferior medial border of the psoas major muscle
AL - External Iliac it passes obliquely, inferiorly & laterally along the border of the psoas major muscle from the bifurcation of the common iliac to a point beneath the inguinal ligament
What artery does the external iliac become? femoral
AG - Femoral Artery* located through the center of Scarpa's triangle bound laterally by the sartorius muscle & medially by the adductor longus muscle
AL - Femoral Artery begins at a point behind the inguinal ligament and ends at the opening of the adductor magnus muscle
LG - Femoral Artery a line drawn on the surface of the thigh from the center of the inguinal ligament to a point on the medial condyle of the femur
AG - Popliteal Artery a continuation of the femoral artery and is located at the back of the knees; descends from the opening of the adductor magnus muscle to the lower border of the popliteus muscle, passing behind the knee joint; divides into the P & A Tibial arteries
AL - Popliteal Artery* begins at the opening of the adductor magnus muscle & terminates at the inferior border of the popliteus muscle
LG - Popliteal Artery a line drawn through the center of the popliteal space parallel to the long axis of the lower extremity
Ag - Anterior Tibial Artery inferior & lateral edge of the tibia; originates at the bifurcation of the popliteal artery at the lower border of the popliteal space; becomes the dorsalis pedis
AL - Anterior Tibial Artery beings at the inferior border of the patella to the anterior surface of the ankle joint
LG - Anterior Tibial Artery* a line drawn from the lateral border of the patella to the anterior surface of the ankle joint
AG - Dorsalis Pedis Artery* a continuation of the anterior tibial artery & lies between or in the groove between the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus muscle & the tendon of the extensor digitorum muscle on the dorsal surface of the foot
LG - Dorsalis Pedis Artery a line drawn from the center of the anterior surface of the ankle joint to a point midway between the big toe & 2nd toe
Arcuate Artery top of the foot (tongue of the shoe)
AL - Posterior Tibial Artery begins at the inferior border of the popliteal space and ends at the origin of the abductor hallucis muscle
LG - Posterior Tibial Artery* a line drawn from the center of the popliteal space to a point midway between the medial malleolus & the calcaneus bone
AG - Posterior Tibial Artery the groove behind & below the medial/inner malleolus; begins at the lower border of the popliteal space opposite the interval between the tibia and fibula
AL - Right Subclavian Artery begins at a point behind the sternoclavicular articulation and extends to the lateral border of the 1st rib
A: - Left Subclavian Artery begins at the level of the 2nd costal cartilage and extends to the lateral border of the 1st rib
Vertebral Arteries 1. paired - left & right 2. supply the posterior regions of the brain 3. pass through the foramen magnum & join to become the basilar artery
Basilar Artery an unpaired artery that ascends along the ventral midline of the brain to connect with the Circle of Willis; formed by the joining of the vertebral arteries
AG - Axillary Artery* along or just behind the medial border of the coracobrachialis muscle
AL - Axillary Artery begins at the lateral border of the 1st rib & extends to the lower border of the tendon of the teres major muscle
LG - Axillary Artery a line drawn through the center of the base of the axillary space & parallel to the long axis of the upper extremity when abducted
AG - Brachial Artery lies posterior to the medial border of the belly of the biceps brachii muscle
AL - Brachial Artery begins at the lower border of the tendon of the teres major muscle & extends just inferior to the antecubital fossa
LG - Brachial Artery a line drawn from the center of the base of the axillary space to the center inner bend of the antecubital fossa
AG - Radial Artery located just lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle
AL - Radial Artery from a point just inferior to the antecubital fossa to the palm of the hand
LG - Radial Artery a line drawn from the center of the antecubital fossa to the center of the base of the index finger
Radial Artery becomes the Deep Palmar Arch, which then branches into the Digital Arteries
AG - Ulnar Artery* lies lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, between the tendons of the flexor carpi ulnaris & the flexor carpi digitorum superficialis
AL - Ulnar Artery* extends from the antecubital fossa to the palm of the hand
LG - Ulnar Artery* a line drawn from the center of the antecubital fossa to a point between the 4th & 5th fingers
Ulnar Artery becomes the Superficial Palmar Arch which branches into the Digital Arteries
Created by: leahmurphy
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