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Anatomy Cardiac Voca

Anatomy Cardiac Vocab

Diastole Period of the cardiac cycle when either the ventricles or the atria are relaxing.
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Graphic record of the electrical activity of the heart.
Endocardium Endothelial membrane that lines the interior of the heart.
Epicardium Serous membrane that forms the inner most layer of the pericardium & outer surface of the heart.
Myocardium Layer of the heart wall composed of cardiax muscle.
Pacemaker Artifical device for stimulating the heart muscle & regulating its contractions.
Pericardium Double layered sac enclosing the heart & forming its superficial layer.
Systole Period of the cardiac cycle when either the ventricles or the atria are contracting
Vasoconstriction Narrowing of blood vessels.
Vasodilation Relaxation of the smooth muscle of the blood vessels, producing dilation.
Ventricle Paired, inferiorly located heart chamber that functions as the major blood pump.
Venule A small vein.
Viscosity State of being sticky or thick.
Asystole "Flatlin"; A state of no cardiac electrical activity.
Congestive Heart Failure Condition in which the pumping efficency of the heart is depressed so that circulation is inadequate to meet tissue needs.
Palpitation Noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heart beat due to agitation, exertion, or iliness.
Sinus Rhythm The normal beating of the heart, measured by an electrocardiogram (60-100bpm)
Atria Each of the two upper cavities of the heart from which blood is passed to the ventricles. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the veins of the body; the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein.
Cardiac cycle A full contraction/relaxation of all four heart chambers
What do the T waves represent Ventricle repolarization
What does the ST segment represent Early part of ventricular repolarization (ventricles contract but not electricity)
What does the QRS complex represent Indicates ventricular depolarization
What does the Q-T interval represent Electrical depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles (very fast heart rates shorten Q-T length)
Tachycardia Persistent, resting adult heart rate of >100 (stress, anxiety, drugs, heart disease, or high body temp)
Bradycardia Persistant, resting adult HR of <60 (sleep, endurance athletes. Higher chances of stroke)
S1 (lubb) Louder/longer. Occurs with closure of AV valves
S2 (dupp) Softer/sharper. Occurs with closure of semi-lunar valves
Aortic valve Inferior to pulmonary valve. No chordae tendineae
Pulmonary valve Most superior of the valves. No chordae tendineae
Fossa Ovalis Remnant of fetal foramen ovale, inside the right atrium
Papillary muscle Raised bundles of cardiac muscle that attach to right and left AV's
Trabeculae carnae Meaty ridges that raise from the surfaces of the ventricles
Interventricular septum Seperates right and left ventricles
Right ventricle Covers most of anterior surface. Pumps deoxy blood through pulmonary semilunar valve to the lungs (via pulmonary trunk)
Right atrium Receives deoxygented blood from superior/inferior vena cava and coronary sinus. Pumps blood to right ventricle through the tricuspid valve (right AV)
Blood going in and out of the heart from pulmonary circuit Veins send oxygenated blood in and arteries send deoxygenated blood out
Blood going in and out of the heart from systematic circuit Veins send deoxygenated blood in and arteries send oxygenated blood out
The layers of the heart from the outside Pericardium(pariteal), epicardium (visceral), myocardium, endocardium
Left atrium Revieves oxygenated blood from lungs. 4 pulmonary veins, Pumps blood to left ventricle from mitral/bicuspid valve (left AV)
Created by: lizrod
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