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tuning fork a device used to check hearing
otoscope a device used to examine the ears
opthalmoscope a device used to examine the eyes
stethoscope a device used to listen to the heart
sphygmomanometer a device used to take blood pressure
I.D. band a plastic bracelet used on every admission
consultation report a specialist dictates his findings
hospital number a unique number assigned to each client
materials management all equipment and supplies, other than those that must be sterilized, are obtained here
MARS (medical administration records) any medication given to a client must be recorded
business office billing provincial or territorial plans
acute care care for a client with an illness expected to run a short course
pallative care care for a person with a terminal illness
choronic care care from someone with a chronic illness
admission sheet/ facesheet chart begins with this
dictation room confidential room for doctors to dictate
cross-coverage covering two units
maintenance/ enviromental engineering ensures tgat equiptment is safe and operational
shift report essential client information passed on to the next shift of nurses
admission interview/ assessment form gathers a basic health history
pneumatic tube system interconnecting tunnles that connet all units
P.A. system/ intercom/ paging interal communicaition systems
nurses notes kept mostly by nurses
critically ill medical crisis
dumbwaiter mini-elevator for small objects
doctor's orders sheets must be dated and signed each time a new order is given
risk management/ infection control oversees infecion control policies and procedures within the facility
progress note physician assessment of the clients response to treatment
hospital card plastic card imprinted with essential client info
I.D. labels/ stickers preprinted with essential client info
signature sheet provides a method of tracking initials
nutritional services provides all client meals
health information services/ medical records responsible for all charts generated within ths hospital
pharmacy responsible for all medication used in the hospital
information services responsible for communication systems within the hospital
public relations responsible for community liaison
employee health services responsible for employees' work-related medical needs
human resources responsible for recruiting and interview new employees
SPD/ central supply meterials department responsible for sterilizing and distributing sterile equipment
laundry responsible for supplying client-care units with clean laundry
purchasing department responsible for taking inventory
housekeeping/ environmental services aid responsible for the cleanliness of the facility
critical value result that deviates from normal causes concern
waiting room/ reception room for friends and relatives to sit
client teaching room room used for teaching outpatients
clean utility room stores frequently used supplies
medication room stores medication and IV drug solutions
housekeeping supply room stores pails, mops, other cleaning supplies
clean utility room stores used equipment and supplies
storage room stores wheelchairs, IV poles, gurneys etc.
conference room team conferences, meetings, client interviews
scope of practice the boundaries of a person's responsibilities
nurses' station the head office
clinical secertary/ ward clerk "the hub of the wheel"
volunteers/ auxillary services unpaid workers who visit patients
treatment room used to preform examinations and minor procedures
admitting/ client registration department usuallt the first point of contact; tracks all admissions and discharges; takes a daily census
vital signs flow sheet vitial signs
Created by: lexieeesmith
Popular Medical sets




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